
  • 2930 Tuckerstown Dr Sarasota FL 34231, United States - Gulf Gate Estates
    According to a resident of Captiva Gardens, the residents who live on this end of the Eligraw Bayou have told their lawn maintenance crew to not cut this foliage back. Now the duck weed and other invasive water plants are taking over the flow of the bayou Can this be addressed before the bayou turns into a "green overgrowth " again. This has been affecting the natural flow of the water. Thank you..
  • 2930 Tuckerstown Dr Sarasota FL 34231, United States - Gulf Gate Estates
    Have been noticing more and more sewer smells in the neighborhood and on Tuckerstown Drive .
  • 2930 Tuckerstown Dr Sarasota FL 34231, United States - Gulf Gate Estates
    This is Eligraw Bayou across from my house Appears to be a large trash bag in the bayou ..