
  • 71 Camaritas Ave South San Francisco, California, 94080 - South San Francisco
    This is illegally placed cothing donation bin in the old Buri Buri Liquors lot which is now city owned property and this company does not have permission to be there and was warned on 4/24 to remove it within 24hrs and they failed to do so and were told again each 24hrs following so please pickup and take to corp yard, hold in back for a week or so and lets see if they come for it.
  • Airport Blvd & Linden Ave South San Francisco, CA, 94080, USA - South San Francisco
    Vehicle tires and debris on sidewalk and gutter next to small utility trailer.
  • Common Greens Archived
    352 Susie Way South San Francisco, CA, 94080, USA - South San Francisco
    Plastic black irrigation pipe has been leaking water for a long time to the point that algae and moss is growing in the standing water puddles in the driveway and sidewalk to the gutter. Can someone cap the line and pressure wash the green build up so it is not a slippery fall hazard?
  • Parks Other Archived
    659 Orchid Dr South San Francisco, CA, 94080, USA - South San Francisco
    Neighbor at 663 Orchid reports that the weeds in the city park land behind his house are taller than his fence and wants them cut down right away.
    Per Brandon C this is for Parks.
  • 147-153 Produce Ave South San Francisco, CA, 94080, USA - South San Francisco
    Discarded items and shopping carts on pedestrian path and off to side in creek where the homeless encampment is located. Also opened a SCF for that issue.
  • 950 Antoinette Ln South San Francisco, CA, 94080, USA - South San Francisco
    Illegally dumped items on county property, per MOU with SMCFCD we are to clean this area up and can bill them for the pickup and dumping. This have been there over one month now and is getting added to.
  • Common Greens Archived
    1021-1033 Mission Rd South San Francisco, CA, 94080, USA - South San Francisco
    Weeds are tall and dry in the BART property which per the MOU states the city is responsible for trimming weeds down as they did on the other side of the fences on city land. This is the area between the city lot and KP lot, near the illegal skateboard park.
  • Common Greens Archived
    352 Susie Way South San Francisco, CA, 94080, USA - South San Francisco
    Items illegally dumped behind shirt fence on city property, nothing seen on cameras.
  • Common Greens Archived
    376 Susie Way South San Francisco, California, 94080 - South San Francisco
    Bed mattress and other items along side the building for over 30 days now, no illegal dumping data caught on the cameras.
  • Common Greens Archived
    990 Nora Way South San Francisco, California, 94080 - South San Francisco
    Graffiti tags on green wall along Willow Avenue
  • Common Greens Archived
    379 Susie Way South San Francisco, CA, 94080, USA - South San Francisco
    Illegal dumping on city property within Common Greens now in place two weeks, see locations near 379 Susie at steps, on sidewalk near 972 Sandra Ct, in planting strip near 316/320 Susie Way. NO owner identification.