D. L. Mason

  • 21719 S 214th St Queen Creek, Arizona, 85142 - Queen Creek
    This morning the need for traffic enforcement is more critical as children are on the corner of Rosa and 214th waiting for the school bus. The people coming down on Rosa and make the left turn on to 214th street are not watching. They turn and power down 214th. Some mornings there is two way traffic on 214th street. Can't you change the speed limit to 10mph signs on both the corner of Rosa & 214th st and the Ocotillo and 214th Pl/St. The people just don't care about the speed moving on 214ht. They turn the corner on Rosa on to 214th and excellerate their speed. Please do something about this problem.
  • Traffic Enforcement Acknowledged
    21811 South 214th Street Queen Creek, AZ, 85142, USA - Queen Creek
    This is the tenth time I am asking for help in closing off the entrance at 214th st to our area. This morning a family pet was almost hit as well as kids standing at the corner of Rosa and 214th St were close to the car the was traveling north and turning west on the Rosa. The speed that people travel done the street is increasing and the trucks for service in increasing every day. Last week there was an 18-wheeler moving done the street and it was not a moving truck or delivery truck. It sometimes take me 5 minutes or more to get out of my driveway, and I back into my garage so I can see the traffic moving up and down the street. I have never seen an officer watching the traffic on the street. The street at the end of the street moving on to Ocotillo is already breaking up and it have only been a month since it was repaired.
  • Traffic Concerns Acknowledged
    21811 South 214th Street Queen Creek, AZ, 85142, USA - Queen Creek
    This is only one effect that the hugh amount of trafice has 214th St between Rosa RD and Ocotillo Rd. In the morning you can't hardly get out of your drive, because of all the cars going at 35 or miles per hour. The same goes for the late afternoon. The people don't even look to see if someone is trying to get out of the drive. Now that school is out I am afraid for the children living on the street. The speed that the people coming from the West side of the subdivision is way to much and fast. It is tearing up the entrance to 214th St again. The people doing U-turns don't watch to see if there are people trying to get on the Ocotillo. Blandford builders cut the entrance to the subdivision for customers to get to the models of their homes, not to have it completed by the city as a street to run crazy speeders down the street. I have already spoken to the Gal in City planning and she saw that the entrance to 214th off of Ocotillo could be closed of. The was all kinds of availability for any kind of emergency vehicles and the like, if that entrance was closed off. They speed that the people use driving on 214th between Rosa Rd and Ocotillo is getting worse all the time. Plus all the business vehicle traffice. That has to be something done to the street.
  • S 214th St Queen Creek, Arizona, 85142 - Queen Creek
    The traffic is getting increasingly more vehicles on the road and they don't care about fast they are going. Can you at least change the speed limit sign at the Ocotillo entrance to 10 miles an hour. The other day a car spead down the street at 50 mph, and there were other neighbors looking at the car. They don't care how fast they go or that they even look from side to side to see if there is someone trying to pull out of their driveway. They drive as though the street is their private road and belongs to no one else. I have put this information into your system numerous times and nothing seems to be done, so I will just keep letting you know that the problem is still getting worse.
  • 21796-21976 S 214th St Queen Creek, AZ, 85142, USA - Queen Creek

    I have written several requests for speed restrictions on this stretch of residential roadway. In the past couple of weeks I have been counting the number of cars that turn the corner from Rosa Rd on to 214th St. at peak hours of the day. Between 7:15 & 8:15 am I counted no less than 52 cars traveling at a speed above the posted speed of 25 mile per hour. This speed limit should be lower to at least 15 mpd. At night it gets worse, to the point where it is hard to get out of my own driveway to get to meetings & appointments. Between 5:15 & 7:00pm the numbers were up to 67 cars speeding up and down the street. They move down the road and don't even look whether there is a car trying to get out of their driveway or trying to get into their driveway. There is a considerable amount of family owned vehicles that need to park on the street, which make it even more necessary to slow the traffic down.

    The original entrance was built by Blanford Builders for access to their models that were right at the end of 214th and 215th streets. That is why the pavers were installed to give the entrance less dirt to drive across to the models. I know this because I was one of the first people to purchase a home at this location and saw how the entrance was laid out. The CITY was to lazy to close it up and let Nauvoo Station create a street out of it. There has been a complaint about the pavers in the past few weeks. The CITY came in and fixed instead of putting in an unobstructed speed sign or close off that entrance all together. There has been near misses and an accident at that very location earlier this year. There is no other subdivision alone Ocotillo Rd that has a mid location entrance. It is also U-Turn alley.

  • 21796-21976 S 214th St Queen Creek, AZ, 85142, USA - Queen Creek
    At the entrance to Nauvoo Station off Ocotillo Road at 215th/214th St is a sign that reads "25 miles per hour/ Residents only" That speed is way to fast as there is a sharp left and then right curve in the road and then the people gun it to get down 214th to Rosa Road to get to the other houses in the area. There are service trucks that use the road to the other houses in the area, which is clearly posted for residents only. The people who use this short 214th St. section speed through sometimes 45 miles an hour or more. It is hard to get out of your driveway in the morning due to the amount of traffic coming from the other streets to the west of 214th. Can the entrance be blocked off, so the traffic is redirected to Crissmon. There are now 3 homes up for sale on 214th St, I presume from the hugh amount of traffic coming from the houses to the west of 214th St. Please can you do something about this problem before there is an accident or a child gets hit. The people just don't watch their speed or driving habits.
  • 21700-21794 S 214th St Queen Creek, AZ, 85142, USA - Queen Creek
    Since the balance of Nauvoo Station has been completed, the area west of 214th St. It has become a traffic hazard for the people living on the short distance between Rosa Rd and Ocotillo There is an entrance on Ocotillo, that shouldn't be there. There is no other entrance to a subdivision along Ocotillo between the railroad tracks and Iron Wood Rd. People do u-turns there all the time and all kinds of service trucks go up and down 214th St even though it is posted - 25 miles an hour & No Service Trucks. It is very hard to get out of our driveways. The cars don't care how fast they go. At the south end of 214th St. there is a curve to left and then right to Ocotillo. I have almost had a head on collision there several times. I have almost been broad-sided pulling out of my driveway. I have talked with Jan Martin of the Street Div. and asked it the entrance could be closed off, as there are more exit streets for emergency vehicles. The entrance on Ocotillo is being torn up by the large amount of traffic going out on to Ocotillo.