Ben Whitelaw

  • Adams St Chattanooga, 37408 - Chattanooga

    Adams Street located off E Main Street has seen an extensive increase in traffic since speed hums were install on nearby Jefferson Street. This excess traffic is often non residents speeding though a walkable neighborhood in order to bypass nearby school zones. We also frequently see commercial trucks use it as a thoroughfare to Main St. I really does not make since for 18-wheelers to use a small side road rather then the much more expansive Rossville Ave.

    It is the neighborhoods belief that that this excess traffic also draws other unsavory elements such as drug dealers and prostitutes. It is a fairly common sight to see these types of people walking up and down the street or standing on the comers closer to E Main.

    It also seem s that if there were speed humps to slow traffic down then a recent shooting would not have occurred because there would not have been a quick and easy get away route.