
  • 5678 Merrimac Côte Saint-Luc, Québec - Côte-Saint-Luc
    Entrance to Rembrandt Park from Merrimac (behind 5678 M). Rain water collects on both sides of the path and lasts for days after any rainfall. This is a breeding ground for mosquitoes and should be repaired.
  • 5678 Merrimac Côte Saint-Luc, Québec - Côte-Saint-Luc
    The entrance (near crosswalk) from Merrrimac into Rembrandt Park is made of pavés unis. There are depressions on either side of the walkway which collect water. The water stays pooled even through days without rain. It is a breeding area for mosquitoes. The path should be repaired and graded so that the water will run off.