Rich Hanley

  • Dog Poop 已存档
    Anderson Street New Haven, CT - East Rock
    A dog owner/walker in the area has not been cleaning up after his/her pet in the strip of grass between the sidewalk and street on the west side of Anderson. It's a public health issue. Given the annual influx of newcomers to the neighborhood, the city ought to post signs on existing No Parking posts in the East Rock area (because of its popularity for dog walks) to let folks know that dog messes must be removed immediately.
  • English Drive New Haven, CT - East Rock
    Motorbikes continue to present an extraordinary danger to pedestrians and their children and cyclists by screaming up the closed road from English Drive to the summit of East Rock. On the evening of 8/7/12, for example, three motorbikes sped up that road around 7 p.m., imperiling many parents and their children, adults and their pets, and cyclists out for an evening stroll or ride on the closed road. Police are rarely visible at the park and a sense of lawlessness pervades the area, which is generally filthy. A firm presence is required at the pedestrian entrances on English drive and on Trowbridge, off of State Street.