Open Issues: 442
Closed Issues: 20,091
Acknowledged Issues: 819
Watching issues created after: 2020-08-30
Notified About
Homeless Encampment Acknowledged27 W Merrimack St Manchester, NH 03101, USA - Manchesterhomeless encampment has been here now for over two weeks still nothing has been done. These people are refusing help as there are open beds in the shelter. legally they can and should be removed. if active drug use and public defection are not enough of reasons to remove this encampment. Then please list your address so they can be moved in front of your house instead of mine.
Police (Non-Emergency) Acknowledged1178-1180 Elm St Manchester, NH, 03101, USA - ManchesterA recent post helped to explain the situation on Elm St and Bridge St, where people feel it is their god given right to make as much noise as possible crossing elm st to race over the bridge. It has been loud enough to set off car alarms in the garage of our building at 1200 Elm St. It became dang near threatening to us when we said it was a problem here and was told outright that from now on they will make it their mission to be as loud as possible. They have followed through on that and the noise is out of control. It sounds like gun shots or is so loud it wakes us up with our windows closed. It’s not a joke anymore. I request speed bumps or the speed sign or a speed trap be placed on Elm and/or Bridge st bridge. Thank you very much for your time.
ABANDONED FURNITURE/TV'S/TIRES Archived101 Blaine St Manchester NH 03102, United States - ManchesterTires left by 5 Star auto
He moved his piece of junk truck but watched him leave the tires behind on the curb This guy needs to be fined!!!! Between his constant dumping off his junk cars and now his garbage why isnt he getting spoken to?? Stop playing the games with him and do something! He has 2 more junk cars at the opposite end of Blaine as well As well as on the corner of 3rd and Cleveland st! -
Police (Non-Emergency) Archived342 Manchester St Manchester, NH, 03103, USA - ManchesterIdlers, homeless, street walkers and others back on Manchester St between Lincoln and Maple particularly between 9pm and 3am. More patrols needed. Thank you.
Homeless Encampment AcknowledgedKelley St & Notre Dame Ave Manchester, NH, 03102, USA - ManchesterNew homeless encampment at the corner of Kelly St and Coolidge Ave on the other side of the guardrail. I think it might be the same guy who was camped at the gazebo in the park on Notre Dame Ave. over the last few weeks. He screams at the top of his lungs. Polaris Charter School is in session now. The area where he/they are camped out is where the kids go in and out of school for the day. can you please help us?
Police (Non-Emergency) Archived1–99 Chester St Manchester NH 03104, United States - ManchesterJust be on lookout for package thief and her dog
Street Light Repair Archived43.00237 -71.47592 - ManchesterStreet lights around the exit 6/eddy road are out or flashing. Some flashing pretty rapidly and could be an epilepsy concern.
Homeless Encampment ArchivedPiscataquog Trail Manchester NH 03102, United States - ManchesterHomeless encampment growing in the park next to the trail. Feel unsafe using the public trail with the activity that is going on there!
Police (Non-Emergency) Archived62 Vernon St Manchester NH 03101, United States - ManchesterThis house at the corner of Hancock and Hamilton has large dogs that are never leashed when brought out. A very large dog that looks like a red Rottweiler just came charging out at myself and my leasheddog. They need to be advised there is a leash law. My dog has been attacked before(not by this dog) and is extremely afraid of unleashed dogs.
Other Archived835 Belmont St Manchester, NH 03104, USA - Manchestercar just drove through field at the very end of Myrtle St (above Belmont) and drove car INTO THE TREES! No one has come out yet.
Police (Non-Emergency) ArchivedBradley St Manchester NH 03103, United States - ManchesterThis silver van is unregistered and has been parked in this spot since the fall of last year 2022 as you can see in this picture. It's still there today Aug 2023. Every time it's tagged sticker is removed as soon as you drive off. I watched the person scrape it off.. and or is moved up or back 20 or 30 ft'
A lot of activities around this vehicle on a daily basis. Something is up with it. Other neighbors complain about it as well. -
Parks and Playgrounds Archived200-398 Precourt St Manchester, NH, 03102, USA - ManchesterGuy comes out here every weekend destroying the field almost hitting car windows golfing in the f****** field when it states clear as day no golfing in the field he's digging up the f****** lawn everything