
Open Issues: 118 Closed Issues: 1,514 Acknowledged Issues: 1,188
Watching issues created after: 2020-09-21

The Golden Gate Oakland Triangle

Notified About

  • Homeless Encampment Acknowledged
    970 60th St Oakland CA 94608, United States - Paradise Park

    People adding more tents and garbage daily next to RVs, taking over the block. Now they are amassing an ever expanding junk yard and running a chop shop of broken motorcycles, cars, bicycles. Using the sidewalk as their personal property and place of business to work on broken vehicles, use drugs, have people come by to hang out. Would assume that many of the vehicles are stolen.

    People coming by day and night - either to work on vehicles and/or hang out and use drugs. Many seemingly mentally Ill and/or very high on drugs. Definite drug activity by occupants in the RV. Definitely witnessed drug use. People there are very high when I have encountered them. Given the traffic of people they have coming by it may be they are also dealing drugs.The associates double park along the RV when they come to work on their cars or hang out making it nearly impossible to drive down the street. Can't walk on the sidewalk because their junk is everywhere - chairs, equipment for working on cars, stoves, BBQs, refuse/garbage, etc.

    Two of the people in the RVs have threatened me at various times verbally and so it is not safe to walk by on the sidewalk. Often there is yelling and fights between them and people who visit them. Once I witnessed someone who knew the occupants coming by with a large axe threatening violence.

    This is not homelessness. This is people setting up a hang out and dump yard that is causing and attracting more and more criminal activity of various kinds the longer the city lets it happen.

    The neighbors who live here are threatened. The police have done nothing every time I report criminal activity. They say that there is nothing they can do now that the laws have changed. Their hands are tied. The dumping continues. The 2 RVs on each side of the street are taking over the block little by little with more broken vehicles, tents, furniture, appliances, mattresses blocking sidewalks and parts of the street, taking up the only parking spaces available for the many people who live on this block who need to park there. The violent and drug related crime that they are attracting makes it increasingly dangerous when I have to leave my house to get to my car.

    Is there any limit to the residence, business, colony they are being permitted to set up, the ever increasing junkyard of vehicles they continue to accumulate as part of their chop shop, making the sidewalk their living room and kitchen with chairs and BBQs and propane stoves? My house has a property line but their exclusive use of public property has no boundary limit? I get parking tickets but they don't. I have to dispose of my garbage but they don't. I have to struggle to pay $12,000 a year in property taxes to live here and they have the right to occupy the public space as their own without any limitations?

    This has started in the last six months. It is new. You could prevent 60th Street from becoming like 61st Place where the entire block is a junk yard, dump , chop shop. Where there is regular and ongoing criminal activity and violence that is endangering everyone, including the people there.

    If encampments are now seemingly legally protected and the city will do nothing that shouldn't mean that they can be places where people can commit crimes with impunity. And that there are no property lines. That they can take up all the public property as their private property.

    You will very soon have more and more crimes occurring here because this isn't about homelessness in this case. This is a criminal enterprise. The people in the 2 RVs are associates and bringing more people here to take over permanently. The activity surrounding these two RVs is more and more dangerous.

    Plenty of unhoused people have parked on this street from time to time for short periods of time. They keep their RV or bus or camper as the boundary of their home. They don't engage in criminal activity, amass more and more garbage, turn the sidewalk and street into their furnished living room, run chop shops, have visitors day and night. They do not threaten people or bring violence and drug activity.

    This is not an issue of unhoused people. It is is nothing like the previous unhoused people staying for a time parked on the block. They have been good neighbors for the most part. This is new and different. You could stop it before they take over the whole block like 61st Place. The people who live here can't safely walk or drive down 61st Place and now that is happening on 60th Street.

    I have to move because it is not safe. I have called the police repeatedly when I have been threatened with violence or witnessed drug activity or illegal dumping or people with deadly weapons or violent arguments but the police can do nothing. The city department in charge of addressing encampments is now only focused on protecting the people in encampments no matter what criminal activity they are engaged in. I can't move because no one wants to buy or rent my house here now. The people who live here have no rights at this point. It is not okay or safe for us now.

  • 954 60th St Oakland CA 94608, United States - Paradise Park
    There are currently 3 cars, one hitch trailer, and at least 6 motorcycles that are parked on this public street that qualify as abandoned. I have already reported them as abandoned on the 311 app. They are not occupied so they are not exempted from parking laws. Only the 2 large RVs are exempt from getting parking tickets because they are occupied. All the other vehicles are not occupied and are subject to parking laws. This report is about parking enforcement - no parking tickets are being issued to these 10 plus vehicles on street cleaning days. Most of the vehicles have been there for over 2 months and have never moved and have never been issued parking tickets. In addition, most of the vehicles do not have license plates so I would think parking enforcement or the police would issue citations for those violations but neither agency has. It is likely that at least some of these vehicles are stolen, as well as the approximate 15 bicycles. All but one vehicle is without a license plateso I would assume they are also not registered with the DM d.So I would think they would be ticketed for never moving on street cleaning days, for not have license plates or registration. In addition, if they are stolen the police should address thaandnd in the meantime, because they are not being moved in months and are not occupied they qualify as abandoned and should be towed. At the very least parking enforcement should ticket them on street cleaning days the same way my car and the cars of the other residents on this block are. Most residents who live in the houses and apartments on this block do not have dedicate privatparking andnd have to park on the street. We get ticketed if we don't move our cars on street cleaning days. Because of the 10 plus abandoned vehicles that never move and are not ticketed there is no space to park now. Please issue parking tickets and cite these vehicles for having no license plates at the very least.
  • 1097 59th St Emeryville, California, 94608 - Paradise Park
    This vehicle has been park here for over a year and nothing has been done to remove this homeless individual. I know there has to be numerous parking violation on this vehicle, yet it is still there with all the collect junk around it. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE do something. This has impacted the businesses around it, as well as the neighborhood.
  • 5380 Adeline St Oakland CA 94608, United States - Santa Fe
    This RV illegal encampment burned down and is a hazard that needs to be removed. e
  • 53rd St & Adeline St Oakland, CA, 94608, USA - Gaskill
    Burnt RV on adeline near 53rd. Occupants unknown. Rv inoperable.
  • Homeless Encampment Acknowledged
    Los Angeles St & Stanford Ave Oakland, CA, 94608, USA - Gaskill
    homeless encampment on Stanford Avenue. Items spilling into the street and onto the sidewalk. Dangerous for pedestrians who have to walk into the street to pass by. Intersection - Stanford, Los Angeles, and 59th Streets converge.
  • Homeless Encampment Acknowledged
    5765 Lowell St Oakland CA 94608, United States - Gaskill
    Spillover from 60th st clean up Has motorcycles, used oil, and animal cage blocking the walkway and parking r
  • 5704 Los Angeles St Oakland, CA, 94608, USA - Gaskill
    Broken windows, deteriorating siding, potential for rodents, unpermitted window replacent and possible interior construction
  • Other City Services Acknowledged
    5920 San Pablo Ave Oakland CA 94608, United States - Paradise Park
    This area was recently cleaned up. Nice to have sidewalk cleared. But it looks like it will not last. This pic was taken at 6:30 am in 5/28/21. Open flame and someone sleeping near. I understand people are without homes but an open flame!
  • Homeless Encampment Acknowledged
    954 60th St Emeryville, California, 94608 - Paradise Park
    RV Camping out front on the road. Their items are spilling onto the sidewalk. They have buckets left out for their poop and pee. It's a hazard and the city doesn't care to do anything about this.
  • Homeless Encampment Acknowledged
    1128-1148 55th St Oakland, CA, 94608, USA - Golden Gate
    This homeless encampment is growing larger. People are dumping their garbage everywhere. Blocking sidewalk with trash. There was a stabbing a few months ago.
  • Homeless Encampment Acknowledged
    1249 Powell St Oakland CA 94608, United States - Golden Gate
    Can we have our park back?