West Bergen 2

Open Issues: 14 Closed Issues: 996 Acknowledged Issues: 34
Watching issues created after: 2020-09-25

Notified About

  • 192 Clinton Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07304, USA - West Side
    Fire Hazard - This pile of branches was cut some time ago. It has now dried to kindling. Concern is serious.
  • 147 Lexington Ave Jersey City, New Jersey, 07304 - West Side
    retaining wall has fallen apart, will continue to deteriorate and will cause soil to spill into the sidewalk preventing pedestrians from being able to walk along sidewalk. There is also a trash bag that has been there for many days.
  • Communipaw Ave At West Side Ave Jersey City, NJ 07304, USA - West Side
    Communipaw Ave btw westside Ave and grand st south side of communipaw Ave cars park and dont move for street cleaning. City sweeper has to go around cars and not able to properly sweep streets. Need parking enforcement to stop by and have vehicles move for sweeper.
  • 551a W Side Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07304, USA - West Side
    The sidewalk was dug up here several weeks ago and plywood placed. However, it is very difficult to get through on the plywood with a stroller or a wheelchair and the plywood is beginning to sag and cannot bear as much weight creating a hazard
  • 549 West Side Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07304, USA - West Side

    Resubmitting this complaint as the city has clarified the address is 549 West Side avenue, though I do not see what difference that should make. The obstruction is worse than when I file the initial complaint with the entire width of the sidewalk now impassable. Additionally vehicles are still allowed to park next to it, which is forcing families 6 ft into the street just as trucks and vehicles are rounding the corner. On street sweeper day today, I was practically in tears by the end of my block between a combination of this obstruction and people parking on the sidewalk. Do not close this comment until the issue has been alleviated. I was under the impression that Jersey City requires temporary sidewalks that construction sites. If that does not apply here, please clarify what precautions will be taken to ensure that children are not forced into the street on their way to the school two blocks away.

    If I sound upset please know that I am. Every time I file a complaint on this app I'm giving some sort of BS response from the city about protocols and corrections of addresses, children are going to be hit and injured at this intersection because of the willful negligence of this city to protect their safety. Do not close this comment

  • 65 Lexington Ave Jersey City, NJ 07304, USA - West Side
    I know this app is mainly for reporting problems, but I just want to give a shout-out to our street sweeper driver on Lexington this morning. The ticket car didn't come through so there were still a few cars parked on the street, but he carefully navigated around them and even stopped to back up in a couple of spots to get some debris. So, just a salute to street sweeper guy! Thank you!
  • 739 Communipaw Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07304, USA - West Side
    According to this constituent, this "Domino's Pizza" located at 739 Communipaw Ave. has garbage all over the front parking lot. The garbage cans have no lids and are overflowing.
  • 109 Oak St Jersey City, NJ 07304, USA - Bergen-Lafayette
    water coming from curb box onto street and sidewalk at 109 oak street
  • 142 Clinton Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07304, USA - Bergen-Lafayette
    These two cars have been parked here illegally on the sidewalk for 2 hours. First WOTS request got 'we gave a warning.' Just put in the requests again and saw a parking authority vehicle drive by, slow down, and keep going This is happening more and more - does the parking authority not enforce the law anymore? Now someone else has decided they can park a bit closer to Bergen on the sidewalk - let's get this straight, these cars are parked illegally. Ticket them.
  • 487 Bergen Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07304, USA - Bergen-Lafayette
    Every other day all the cars, plus the fences around my house, have this circular - people throw them on the ground when they get to their cars, they blow away, and require a lot of work to keep from adding to the huge piles of trash on the street in this neighborhood. This business and others like it should be told to stop this litter
  • Boyd Ct Jersey City, NJ, 07304, USA - West Side
    Large cones and garbage cans continuously blocking public parking spots on this dead end. Already hard to find parking in the area!!!
  • 156 Lexington Ave Jersey City, New Jersey, 07304 - West Side
    Loud music at 156 Lexington Ave. It's coming from a red Saab 93 convertible.
    Every time it get's hot out. 2 old ladies blast their music from their house.
    This have been going on for years.
    I call the cops. 99% of the time they do not come down. When they do, I don't know if they give them a fine or just a warning, but a minute after they leave. They start blasting the music again.
    Don't people have any consideration for anyone?
    If they want lister to their music loud, put on some headphones.