
Open Issues: 1,383 Closed Issues: 20,103 Acknowledged Issues: 429
Watching issues created after: 2020-12-06

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  • 1302 Riley St Folsom CA 95630, United States - Folsom
    Ferral cat from greenbelt dead in Lembi main parking lot nearest main entrance off Riley Street. In front of illegally parked motorhome.
  • 1200 Riley St Folsom CA 95630, United States - Folsom
    To the anonymous see click fix user. Please stop posting false information! You are posting that a water bowl was locked to the gate without permission. Have you called animal control or the aquatic center to find out if permission was given? I’m guessing not. I’ve been given permission to lock up the bowl because you keep stealing the bowls that I leave. I witnessed you pick up my paper plate and throw it down the hill and then complain that the trash ends up in the Greenbelt. Please stop complaining about the problems that you are causing! If you have questions, once again, contact Animal Control. Not sure why you’re refusing to do that. You also indicated it was a food bowl. There is clearly water in it, no food. Not sure why you are allowing a water bowl
    left for homeless cats to effect your life so much!
  • Riley St Folsom, CA, 95630, USA - Folsom

    33’ motorhome illegally blocking/extended no parking/non-permitted long-term camping next to Lembi Park main entrance.

    Unseaworthy kayak on parking lot asphalt blocked parking space is being used as a cover prop to store & conceal materials & items under motorhome.

    Heavy gauge cable & extension cords partially concealed under kayak & motorhome possibly tapping off park electrical grid after dark.

    Motorhome has no authorized method of dumping dirty toilet water or gray waste water in while long term camping in parking lot.

  • 1302 Riley St Folsom CA 95630, United States - Folsom

    Lembi Park main, middle, & south parking lots full Saturday morning due to sporting tournaments on all 4 ballfields & large swimming event at aquatic center.

    Disheartened to see families circling parking lots desperately seeking parking spaces. Vehicles required to double park and park on grass.

    All the while people living in RV's in Lembi Park, long-term, illegally parallel parking, are blocking multiple diagonally striped car parking spots.

    I'm sure some of those many families driving in circles, would have loved to have parked in the shady parking spaces claimed by this man living long-term in this motorhome.

    Large gas generator is running next to entrance door and is padlocked to motorhome undercarriage frame.

    Black house running from gas generator, under motorhome & up into access door on driver side.

    Modified metal piping extending out from under motorhome where hose enters compartment.

    Large cardboard box from new 27 speed mountain bike dumped on park grass next to motorhome.

    Gas Fumes from generator no doubt seeping inside motorhome.

    If man can purchase a new "SIRDAR" mountain bike and a fancy new gas generator, he can surely pay to park in an authorized RV campground.

  • Blue Ravine Rd Folsom CA 95630, United States - Folsom

    Large illegal transient campsite inside posted "Sensitive Habitat -No Camping" area along walking/bike trail. Behind trail park bench, near pedestrian bridge off Blue Ravine.

    Flipped over stolen shopping cart in front of trail park bench. Multiple baby strollers, bikes, baseball bats (not for camping) , food and numerous other items.

  • Folsom CA, USA - Folsom
    Someone has placed large homemade animal cages, traps, shelters? Along the edge of the greenbelt adjacent to last Lembi tennis court (northwest corner) approx 15 feet from storm drain outlet. Rocks and leaves placed over the top of animal containers. See attached photos...
  • Blue Ravine Rd Folsom CA 95630, United States - Folsom

    Unsafe-Unhealthy Mega Public Nuisance Transient encampment stretching 100 yards across protected wildlife land that runs parallel (within a few yards) to Humbug Willow Creek parkway.

    Evidence of hypodermic syringes inside encampment indicates intravenous drug use. This is a serious concern to surrounding community neighborhoods.

    City officials defer/deflects tis stretch of protected wildlife land as a state issue.

    The state is
    cumbersome bureaucracy andviews this as city issue.

    Both entities should mutually work together to restore this damaged natural wildlife are.

    The goal is to restore this stretch of Humbug Willow Creek Parkway Trailand ensure it is safe to walk on and ride a bike on instead of diverting over to the Blue Ravine sidewalkto avoid this potential dangerous area.

  • Graffiti Archived
    22055 Blue Ravine Rd Folsom, CA 95630, USA - Folsom
  • 1300 Riley St Folsom, CA, 95630, USA - Folsom
    Those goodhearted cat food volunteers who put out cat food for stray cats and end up feeding raccoons, opossums and the occasional coyote — which will happily make a meal out of a cat — must realize that their concern for cats amounts to misguided altruism and does more harm than good.
  • 1302 Riley St Folsom CA 95630, United States - Folsom

    Same group of Transients continue to use community park restroom to loiter & smoke drugs. Burnt odor smell inside. Burned residue on small pieces of aluminum tin foil discarded on floor around toilet. Plastic baggy of burned pieces of tin foil stashed in toilet paper cover dispenser.

    Transient street level drug abuse in park probably not a high priority.

    Perhaps posting signs, "Playground Is A Drug Free Zone" may act as a deterrent ?

  • 1300 Riley St Folsom CA 95630, United States - Folsom

    Public Comment Should Be Sought Regarding Lembi Park & Aquatic Center “Feral Cat Feeding Stations” in order to identify environmentally sound strategies that pose the least possible risk to people, park resources, and the environment.

    Currently cat food people claiming association with the “T-N-R” organization are operating what they refer to as “Cat Feeding Stations” on city property.

    One “feeding station” inside the Aquatic Center fence line.
    One “feeding station” in Lembi Park near the basketball court.
    Two “Feeding stations” on each side of the public greenbelt walkway behind Walgreens.

    Reference attached pictures.

    I would think any organization seeking to operate these multiple feeding stations on city property would have to first apply for a permit?

    These “Feeding Stations” prompt and coax feral cats and other wildlife out of their habitat in the greenbelt open land area up onto city park and aquatic center property.

    Why can’t cat food people feed feral cats inside the greenbelt instead of out on Lembi Park and Aquatic Center Property?

    Cats like running water !
    Put a bowl of water in front of a cat and it just sits there untouched. But turn on the tap and a cat laps up the dripping water. Similar to the running water flowing through the green belt wetland basin where the feral cats live.

    Instinctively, cats are suspicious of still water, realizing that stagnant water isn't always safe. Their wild DNA tells them that still water can be contaminated, so they know that running water is safer.

    Another reason is they might not like being hunched over a bowl in a precarious position that would put them into having their backs to other cats who might jump on them.

    Dripping or running swirling water from a wetland stream probably tastes better too because it's cooler and oxygenated.

    I love cats! Have always had them since I was a little kid.

    What I don’t love is the experience of visiting Lembi Park and the Aquatic Center and seeing these unattended feeding bowls on the ground.

  • 1302 Riley St Folsom CA 95630, United States - Folsom

    25' motorhome boomeranged it's way back to long-term camping spot at the opposite end of the Lembi East parking lot.

    Guess it was too crowded camping so close to the 35' motorhome at that other end of the parking lot.

    Motorhome long-term illegal camper invested in a new larger gasoline generator that he operates in the parking lot next to the camper living quarters door entrance .