Pride Area Community Council
Open Issues: 1
Closed Issues: 462
Acknowledged Issues: 10
Watching issues created after: 2021-04-19
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Illegal Dump Sites Archived11717 Steel St Detroit, Michigan, 48227 - US Congressional District MI14Miscellaneous trash and building materials.
Illegal Dump Sites Archived13140 Foley St Detroit, Michigan, 48227 - US Congressional District MI14
Illegal Dump Sites Archived12045 Littlefield St Detroit MI 48227, United States - US Congressional District MI14
This has been sitting here ALL summer A ticket was created and no one has responded Every bulk pick up/yard waste day it's ignored Can the city take care of this? -This is in the Pride Area Community Council area
Thank you!
Illegal Dump Sites Archived12325 Ward St Detroit, MI, 48227, USA - US Congressional District MI14I have illegal debris dumped in the rear of 12325 ward which is a vacant propery....The stack of debris consist of building material from a near by
house that some one is repairing. I need kt picked up. -
Illegal Dump Sites Archived13140 Foley St Detroit, Michigan, 48227 - US Congressional District MI14reported dumping to mayors office
Curbside Solid Waste Issue Archived13000 Plymouth Rd Detroit, Michigan, 48227 - US Congressional District MI14Tenants at 13000 Plymouth Rd, Detroit need their own trash can. The tenants are currently using the trash cans provided for 13010 Plymouth Rd., Detroit. These two apartments are managed/owned by different companies.
Storm Debris Pickup Archived12200 Steel St Detroit, MI 48227, USA - US Congressional District MI14Due to storm tree fall down so branches in front of house.
Illegal Dump Sites Archived11710 Schaefer Hwy Detroit, MI, 48227, USA - US Congressional District MI14Lot next to property has debris and live chickens. Rooster is disturbing neighbors. The police and inspector have issue blight tickets. They were supposed to clean up and get rid of fowl. He did not comply.
Illegal Dump Sites Archived12325 Ward St Detroit, MI, 48227, USA - US Congressional District MI14This is the second time I'm reporting this issue with garbage in the rear berm of this propery....This garbage is begin to stink and i need it picked up, like yesterday
Curbside Solid Waste Issue Archived12714 Cheyenne St Detroit MI 48227, United States - US Congressional District MI14Illegal tree debris dumped on sidewalk
Traffic Complaints Archived12743 Littlefield St Detroit, MI 48227, USA - US Congressional District MI14speed down street all day and all night
Traffic Complaints Archived12743 Littlefield St Detroit, MI 48227, USA - US Congressional District MI14speed down street alot kids on the block