
Open Issues: 4 Closed Issues: 718 Acknowledged Issues: 22
Watching issues created after: 2021-06-28

University District, Detroit

Notified About

  • 16959 Livernois Detroit, MI 48221, USA - US Congressional District MI14
    water man-hole has water flowing heavily
  • Tree Issue Archived
    17320 Livernois Detroit, MI 48221, USA - US Congressional District MI14
    tree limb from tree on the berm fell. owner moved from blocking sidewalk. would like for it to get picked up.
  • Tree Issue Archived
    19031 Livernois Ave Detroit MI 48221, United States - US Congressional District MI14

    This is my fourth time contacting your office about this issue.

    Two years ago a driver ran over the trees in front of my business on The Avenue of Fashion (19031/19037 Livernois). The first time I reached out, I was told it would be taken care of by General Services. The second time, I spoke to General Services team members that were cleaning the bus stop and they called the supervisor who said to put in a request and it would be take care of. The third time I reached out, someone responded to me on this app telling me that Livernois was a county road, yet when I google it, SEMCOG says that Livernois is a city road and the City of Detroit says that Livernois is a city road. In fact my area falls under the Livernois Streetscape Project. The city was out dropping off flower planters last weekend, the city is out every week washing the bus stop, and the city is out planting flowers on Livernois. Why, can't the city replace the two trees that were knocked down in front of my business after two years?

  • Tree Issue Archived
    18954 Birchcrest Dr Detroit MI 48221, United States - US Congressional District MI14
    There's a dying street tree that's leaning way into the street that the neighbors can't take down bc it's a street tree but it's going to fall eventually and it's leaning like it'll fall across the street, hitting 1 neighbors power line & another's giant tree and yard or house.
  • Potholes Archived
    2926–3098 W Mcnichols Rd Detroit MI 48221, United States - US Congressional District MI14
  • 4159-4169 W 7 Mile Rd Detroit, MI, 48221, USA - US Congressional District MI14
    Weeds have overgrown in-between seating area of cement benches on 7mile & Livernois next to BP Gas Station. Weeds need to be removed/trimmed.
  • 18065 Muirland St Detroit, MI 48221, USA - US Congressional District MI14
    Block Basin(s) which have flooded Muirland between Curtis and Thatcher effecting 12 houses.
  • 7 Mile & Berkeley Detroit, MI 48221, USA - US Congressional District MI14
    light shield appears to be ready to fall to the street
  • 19030 Livernois Ave Detroit, MI, 48221, USA - US Congressional District MI14
    Downed sign creating dangerous obstruction in bike lane.
  • Tree Issue Archived
    18326 Wildemere St Detroit, MI 48221, USA - US Congressional District MI14
    large limbe fell of of a city tree in the berm and is across the side walk and in the street and has been since Saturday. it has been reported twice
  • Tree Issue Archived
    18677 Oak Dr Detroit MI 48221, United States - US Congressional District MI14
    Dead tree dropping huge limbs every time the wind blows, almost damaged 2 cars
  • Tree Issue Archived
    18240 Wildemere St Detroit, MI 48221, USA - US Congressional District MI14
    Branches fell from the city tree. They make it hard to use street parking especially for the elderly woman who lives next door.