Falls At Cascade Palms HOA

Open Issues: 0 Closed Issues: 119 Acknowledged Issues: 0
Watching issues created after: 2021-08-05

FACP Neighborhood Watch is protect the community, crime prevention, improve quality of life, identify issues that need to be repaired/replaced by City of South Fulton, safety awareness, activities for all (including Seniors, children, etc), training and development regarding FACP Neighborhood Watch

Notified About

  • 6981 Talkeetna Ct Sw Atlanta, GA 30331, USA - South Fulton
    sidewalk buckling
  • Dead Trees Archived
    2664 Muskeg Ct Sw South Fulton GA 30331, United States - South Fulton
    Several trees in community (on Muskeg and Palmview Ct) are dead along right of way. Please remove, replant and have Arborist test soil to find out why meaning trees are dying).
  • 6951 Chilkat Ct Sw South Fulton GA 30331, United States - South Fulton
    Individual(s) parking on street and hanging since Friday night until Saturday. Throwing trash in street and on grass area.
  • 6953 Talkeetna Ct Sw Atlanta, GA 30331, USA - South Fulton
    flat tire not licensed
  • Other Archived
    6951 Chilkat Ct Sw South Fulton GA 30331, United States - South Fulton
    Damaged crumbling curb just before approaching tree line area
  • Other Archived
    6933 Talkeetna Ct Sw South Fulton GA 30331, United States - South Fulton
    There are several damaged/buckling sidewalks in our community, along with the asphalt caving in. Buckling sidewalks located at : 7001 Talkeenta, 6981 Talkeenta 6951 Talkeenta, 6957 Talkeenta, 6905 Talkeenta and 7114 Talkeenta. One of the buckling is really caving in and is very dangerous. Also Jacobs previously fixed a few if buckling sidewalks BUT left the wood in/at the edges of the concrete sidewalk. They need to come and remove this. ,
  • Other Archived
    6951 Chilkat Ct Sw South Fulton GA 30331, United States - South Fulton
    Illegal dumping two garbage cans at beginning of tree line before the new development Hlen at Cascading Palms
  • Other Archived
    6929 Talkeetna Ct Sw South Fulton GA 30331, United States - South Fulton
    Same house that has two cars parked on lawn and black car hanging off of driveway into the street
  • Other Archived
    6948 Talkeetna Ct Sw South Fulton GA 30331, United States - South Fulton
    The address may not be correct but on that side of street , asphalt on street is buckling near the curb. Needs to be fixed
  • 6954 Chilkat Ct Sw South Fulton GA 30331, United States - South Fulton
    Heard several planes flying at night. It is 11:11P and trying to sleep. This has never occurred before
  • Other Archived
    Cochran Rd Sw Atlanta, GA, 30331, USA - South Fulton
    The caller would like to know when the Outerbridge at deep creek will be worked on and accessible.
  • Other Archived
    6951 Chilkat Ct Sw South Fulton GA 30331, United States - South Fulton
    5/26/2022 two garbage cans are still in area. Please call me and I can show you