
Open Issues: 1,329 Closed Issues: 20,781 Acknowledged Issues: 833
Watching issues created after: 2022-02-08

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  • Chapel St New Haven, CT, 06511, USA - Wooster Square
    Dangerous sidewalks on Chapel and surrounding streets. There’s huge areas of root-related upheaves. In some places there’s six or more inches of diffence in height. I have tripped over these and have seen others trip as well.
  • Edgewood Ave New Haven, Connecticut, 06511 - Dwight
    Delineators on Edgewood from Yale Ave to West Park there are over 40 of them that have been knocked off the road.
  • State St New Haven, CT, 06511, USA - East Rock
    State st near James st under the I-91 bridge ,this is discussing!!! This is the first thing you see when you come off of the I-91 exit , polluting the mill river .can't believe the state let's them stay here .it started with 1 sleeping bag and look at it now !!
  • Ashmun St & Lock St New Haven, CT, 06511, USA - Downtown

    This is an incredibly dangerous intersection for drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists. It is a high-volume intersection because drivers from Dixwell and Newhallville uses this route to get downtown. There is a stop sign for drivers on Lock St but no other safety features. Therefore, there is absolutely NO safe way for pedestrians to cross: No crosswalk, no 3-way stop, no traffic light. Drivers frequently turn without checking for pedestrians. A cyclist was hit recently and many pedestrians avoid this intersection. It’s a matter of time before a fatal accident happens.

    I would like to request a new Pedestrian crossing sign and a painted (ideally raised) crosswalk. It would also help if this was a 3-way Stop to reduce speeds. Thank you for your consideration.

  • 944 Townsend Ave New Haven, Connecticut, 06512 - Annex
    There are sidewalk joints several inches high, and here is a pic from last summer, because this has not been adressed yet. A contractor came and did nothing to the major tripping hazards. This HUGE tripping hazard is still there, as are many others. The bid was garbage, and the contractor only dealt with grinding concrete that was about 1/4 inch off level. They didn't even touch the big ones that are the danger. Please - adress this. An "executive assistant" closed this request without adressing it at all. Such incompetence at City Hall is shameful.
  • I-91 N New Haven, CT, 06511, USA - Cedar Hill
  • 436–498 Front St New Haven CT 06513, United States - Fair Haven
    On Dover Beach, to the north in the green there is someone living in a tent The area is disheveled and unhealthy Someone needs to find shelter for this individual (s)
  • 55 Raynham Rd New Haven, CT, 06512, USA - East Shore
    The apron and sidewalk at Raynham Rd. and the private lane has disintegrated. We reached out to our alderperson both last Autumn and again this Spring to address the situation as it is a city responsibility. The neighbors pitched in to have the lane repaved, but the concrete sidewalk and apron still need to be addressed. Currently the sidewalks on Kneeland Rd. are being redone. Could this not be addressed now as well? Thanks!
  • I-91 N New Haven CT 06511, United States - Mill River
    This homeless camp is growing by the day in size and number of residents. They are leaving garbage and needles on the ground, and making the sidewalk impassable. They also appear to have a dog with them as well.
  • 224-280 College St New Haven, CT, 06510, USA - Town_Green
    Where did our bike lane go now it’s just cars. Illegally stopped blocking traffic and causing cyclist to maneuver around them. Daytime parking enforcement supervisor please place a parking enforcement officer, or even better automated enforcement in the form of a camera on this block.
  • 80-134 Chestnut St New Haven, CT, 06511, USA - Wooster Square
    With all of the development around Wooster Street this sidewalk on Chestnut Street is in desperate need of repair. A lot of work is being done in the area and it would be nice if this sidewalk was safer with all of the everyday walkers!
  • 19 Dayton St New Haven, CT, 06515, USA - Amity
    Dayton Street from the CVS parking lot to the corner of fountain needs sidewalks replaced. Elderly, handicap and people with wheelchairs or strollers cannot pass safely due to broken or non-existent sidewalks.