Jules Cooper
Open Issues: 0
Closed Issues: 6
Acknowledged Issues: 0
Watching issues created after: 2022-02-24
Main St, Burlington, VT 05401 in front of two public schools, truck traffic from Shelburne being detoured without extra traffic controls for school and crosswalk
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Found Needle or syringe Archived278 Main St Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington ElectricThere's a broken glass bottle right in front of Edmund's Elementary. The glass shards are scattered around the sidewalk and there's a large bottle remnant just off the sidewalk. Some littles might not be safe with the glass.
Traffic Signal Problems Archived263-323 Main St Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington ElectricThe crosswalk lights by Edmund’s on main st are not turning on when you push the button on one side of the street. cars are not noticing pedestrians. The broken button is on the left side of the road going up the hill.
Main St & S Union St Burlington, Vermont, 05401 - Burlington ElectricPlease pick up the mattress that was dumped in the road and sidewalk
Dead Animal ArchivedEdmunds Middle School - Burlington ElectricI am posting because "a concerned citizen" asked about whether the dead skunk in front of Edmunds school would ever be picked up. Not sure if this has already been posted/taken care of - but thought I'd mention it. Thank you
Trash or Illegal Dumping Archived153 S Union St Burlington, VT 05401, USA - Burlington ElectricSierra shopping cart abandoned with stuff for 3 days.
291-303 Main St Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington ElectricCrosswalk sign has blown over into the road