
Open Issues: 0 Closed Issues: 1 Acknowledged Issues: 1
Watching issues created after: 2022-09-01

Notified About

  • 1605 Harbor Dr Clearwater, Florida, 33755 - Clearwater
    The City of Clearwater, Marshall wastewater plant, located at 1605 Harbor Drive, Clearwater, Fl.... emitted a very distinctive sewage wastewater odor on Wednesday, 8/31/22 around 8:22 am... these odor discharges, are happening all-too-often and speaking to the officials seems pointless... So, let's start tracking the dates and times... And rate the odor levels from a scale of 1 through 10... I'll rate the 8/31 odor level as a 5...
  • Sewer Issue Acknowledged
    1605 Harbor Dr Clearwater, FL, 33755, USA - Clearwater
    The City of Clearwater, Marshall wastewater plant, located at 1605 Harbor Drive, Clearwater, Fl.... emitted a very distinctive sewage wastewater odor on Friday, 9/23/22... noticed around 5:30 pm... again these odor discharges, are becoming common. Speaking to the officials seems pointless... {by the time they investigate and take samples, the sewage Oder has dissipated} ... So, officials please document when your samples are taken in response to my request, and share the result readings... just saying this issue has been looked into a day later is not a valid response... let's continue tracking the dates and times... And rate the odor levels from a scale of 1 through 10... I'll rate the 9/23/22 odor level as a 3...