Hammond PLUS
Notified About
Environmental Issues Archived630 Stewart Ct Hammond, IN, 46394, USA - HammondOil in street, auto parts in yard, owner/renter looks to be running auto repair shop out of residence. Property mess.
Other Archived1817 Brown Ave Whiting, IN 46394, USA - HammondIt appears an older gentleman and younger man are squatting on the front steps. Hammond police have been around the last couple nights. Hopefully they get removed, I've seen the younger man walking the neighborhood checking for unlocked cars
Rental Property Archived2128 Stanton Ave Whiting, Indiana, 46394 - HammondOwner of property does not live at location. They are renting out the house, but still getting the Homestead deduction on their taxes of $45,000.00.
Other Archived1817 Brown Ave Whiting, IN 46394, USA - HammondThis property now appears to have 3 people squatting under the front steps and in the bushes in front of the house. Cops have been called and they get removed only to return. Constant yelling during day and night. Not to mention all the junk all over this property
1806 Brown Ave Hammond IN 46394, United States - HammondOn July 18th, I wrote to inquire about the status of the above property, and Enforcement 1 explained the ongoing process necessary to demo/repair said parcel. On July 19th, I asked if current owner would be responsible to maintain the landscape and was assured she would be advised of her responsibility in this regard. It is now twelve days later, and the >three foot tall weeds and overgrown grass remains untouched. I pay close to $2000 per year for property taxes on a <700 sq ft single story house on a 56’x37’ lot, yet am forced to look day and night at a dilapidated house that one might expect to be found in Gary, not in Robertsdale , the alleged jewel of Hammond. I am incensed and offended that myself and other neighbors have had to beg, for years, for this property to be maintained. Please. Please. Please. Get the owner to at least mow, or send city contractors and bill the new owner. We deserve better.
GRAY CHARGER Archived3344 176th St Hammond, Indiana, 46323 - HammondGray Charger at 3344 176th St speeding up Kentucky Ave 7500/7600 block to Orchard Drive big time. 6:10pm 8/15/23
Reciprocity - Out of State Plates Archived1821 Davis Ave Whiting, IN 46394, USA - HammondGold Taurus with Illinois plates and a visitors pass but owner lives there. The car hasn't moved in at least a month.
Parking Violation Open7750 Old Columbia Ave Hammond, IN, 46324, USA - Hammond
RV been parking out in the open for years. Reported here litterally for 3-4 years and nothing happens. It never moves it seems.
Who do they know ? Guy 2 doors down got reported for boats in front and got talked to right way this year. Is parking limit 96 hours or 96 weeks in this case ? Seriously. You don't even investigate. Simple drive by you'd see it.
# 14181603 3/9/23 12:35:02 AM
Sgt. J.C. Peck
11/5/23 2:52:34 PM Flag
Verified Official
This issue is being closed. We are assuming this issue no longer exists. If this is still an issue, please create a new report.§ 72.011 PARKING OR STORING TRAILERS.
It shall be unlawful for any person to park, store or permit to be parked or stored any automobile trailer, boat trailer, bus camper or house trailer on any street or alley in the city.§ 72.007 PARKING IN EXCESS OF 96 HOURS.
(A) It shall be unlawful for any person to park or cause to be parked any motor vehicle on any street in the city for a period longer than 96 consecutive hours, except as provided below. -
Parking Violation Archived7448 Jackson Ave Hammond IN 46324, United States - HammondCar blocking sidewalk and sticking out into street
Parking Violation Archived4250 Johnson Ave Hammond IN 46327, United States - HammondWhite van parked illegally at corner making it unsafe for cars and pedestrians, especially when the two schools there dismiss for the day. Habitual offenders.
Illegal Dumping Archived1821 Davis Ave Hammond IN 46394, United States - HammondCone placed in street once again saving parking for no reason. Seems like they don't get it.
"This is a shared street not private"