Lori Flaherty
Open Issues: 3
Closed Issues: 183
Acknowledged Issues: 16
Watching issues created after: 2023-05-26
North Port Florida became of sprawling overbuilding and deforestation we have deer. Sandhill crane tortoise and others running in traffic PUBLIC WORKS- says they don’t have time to make any signs and suggests citizens ask other county’s for signs go get them and erect them selves. Not happening-need help.
Notified About
General Inquiry (Other, Misc.) Archived6046–6060 Talon Bay Dr North Port FL 34287, United States - North Port
Need signage on Talon Bay from Tamiami to the dead end at Talon Bay HOA.
Only signs are those pictured. There is no place for large trucks/trailers to turn around and road dead ends at a gated community.
Dead End or No Outlet signs;
Speed limit signs;
No Semi's or long trailers;
No parking;Thank you.
Preservation of Wildlife Report Archived2267 Kamsler Ave North Port FL 34286, United States - North PortShould be a sign here for deer xing heavy traffic of deer and babies jump into street in this area
Vehicle Violation Archived6492 Otis Rd North Port, FL 34287, USA - North Portvehicle blocking sidewalk has for sale signs in front window
Street Sign Missing (Public, Traffic) AcknowledgedS Biscayne Dr & Chesebro Ave North Port, FL, 34287, USA - North PortMissing a street sign for Chesebro Avenue, one for Mossborger Avenue, & 2 or 3 missing street signs for Gisela Rd. Submitted this last summer. Still no new street signs.
Gopher Tortoise Relocation (Turtle) Acknowledged4732 Prime Terr North Port FL 34286, United States - North PortI noticed this lot has been approved for a new home build however there is a gopher tortoise that possibly lives on this lot. Today he was in our yard and went into the burrow in the bushes. Florida fish and wildlife says they don't have relocation permit on file for this lot. Please investigate this further.
Road, Street Damaged Archived1898 Torgerson St North Port, FL 34291, USA - North PortThe Ponce de Leon neighborhood street signs are damaged and missing the street names at the various intersections.
General Inquiry (Other, Misc.) Archived27.04055 -82.25376 - North PortThis is Sydney in North Port. It dead ends into Talon Bay, a gated community. The side streets of Malaluka and Mataro had dead end signs, however there is nothing to warn traffics at this location that this is a "dead end" or "no outlet". Signage is needed here and the leaning sign (arrow) further up should be removed. Also, "no parking" signs from Malaluka to the Talon Bay gate should be installed. See red X on photo.
Code Violation Report Archived1000–1046 Tropicaire Blvd North Port FL 34286, United States - North PortIllegal signs nailed to poles, corner Toledo and Trop, hundred yards before this on Toledo, blind curve on Sumpter, Sumpter and Price intersection Sumpter and Mckibben.,
1071 S Toledo Blade Blvd North Port FL 34288, United States - North PortWhile you were closed, I saw a man with a ladder putting up signs that said "Fences Fast" on a utility pole with screws and an electric drill He was clearly putting them up so high you couldn't pull them down without a ladder It's near the intersection of Price and chamberlain in the ROW
Preservation of Wildlife Report Archived1430 W Hillsborough Blvd North Port FL 34288, United States - North PortFish kill due to debris and lack of care in canal spillway This is my second report on this issue
Street and Sign Issues Archived601 Gardenia Dr Venice FL 34285, United States - VeniceTwo Missing street signs on Palermo and US 41 on Venice island.
Preservation of Wildlife Report Archived5043 Sabrina Terrace North Port, FL 34286, USA - North Portthe lot behind me is being cleared without regards to the turtles that have been living there for yrs. They have even made a make shift property line right where turtles are.