
Open Issues: 476 Closed Issues: 2,776 Acknowledged Issues: 62
Watching issues created after: 2023-09-13

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  • 124 Montello St Brockton MA 02301, United States - Ward 2
    There broken glass on the street on the side of Station Loft building on Lincoln St from a fight that took place earlier. Also someone defecated at the main entrance of Station Loft. They continue to use the property as their own private restrooms. It is just getting worse at this property, I now carry Mace with me whenever I'm leaving the property and/or coming into the property. I pay $1,572 for a studio apartment here and shouldn't have to deal with this daily nuisance
  • Other Archived
    2 Porter St Brockton, MA 02301, USA - Ward 7
    Cars continue to park onthe sidewalk every single day and night. Reported this multiple times, nothing changes. Cars belong to multi family on Battles Street.
  • 57 Manomet St Brockton, MA 02301, USA - Ward 2
    Parking on sidewalk block pedestrians
  • Other Archived
    12 Clarence Street Brockton, Massachusetts, 02301 - Ward 7
    Cars parked on street during parking ban for snow emergency. Street is right across from a fire station.
  • 649 Pearl St Brockton MA 02301, United States - Ward 3
    Inhumane treatment of animals. Board of health violations.
  • Junk Cars Archived
    317 Boylston St Brockton MA 02301, United States - Ward 2
    Hi, I need somebody from the city department or whoever form the city to come and or remove this two vehicle (mostly ice cream truck) . This truck is blocking the view of myself and tenants on when they want to go to work and later on when they come they can’t find parking space due to ice cream trucks and other cars from (blue building parking on my tenants side) the street is so narrow that I already had an accident with my vehicle due to me by not being available to see good thru if a vehicle is coming the other way or not and cars go 35MPH thur this street of Boylston without hesitating to stop. This ice cream truck being there for almost 4 months and it got to be moved it looks like is a junk due to being parked for so long or being fixed and also black small sedan car parked on other side is obstructing oncoming traffic for others and my self. (circled in red) So please someone do something. Thanks (ICE CREAM TRUCK GOTTA BE REALKY MOVED)
  • Safety Archived
    640-646 Pleasant St Brockton, MA, 02301, USA - Ward 1
    The homeless right to beg does not trump my right to safety. Fix it.
  • Maple Ave Brockton, MA, 02301, USA - Ward 2
    Brockton parking authority keeps using the leaf blower early in the morning sometimes as early as 6:10am
  • Other Archived
    75 Forest Ave Brockton MA 02301, United States - Ward 2
    Just drive down Forest Ave and counted 13 cars parked on the sidewalk on both sides of the street. Since when is parking on the sidewalk OK?
  • 138 Prospect Avenue Brockton, MA, 02301, USA - Ward 2

    Please enforce the even-number overnight parking ban on Prospect Ave and on Greenfield Street between Augusta Ave and Ellis streets.

    People park overnight every single night and also on both sides of these streets during citywide street parking bans due to snow. As a consequence these streets are nearly impassable following snowstorms. They regularly block my driveway.

    Mayor Sullivan please take notice. You ran on a promise to enforce city codes. When can we expect this to start? Time to start ticketing and towing.

  • Other Archived
    88 Fuller St Brockton MA 02301, United States - Ward 2
    Every Friday, Saturday and Sunday a lady from 88 fuller street puts out tables and a her grill. She starts selling food and alcohol from 4pm to past midnight. She's been doing this for over a month now. Traffic is bad as it is with all the commercial vans and trucks on this street and now with Her customers are now entering private driveways and blocking driveways waiting for their food. They are leaving trash on the sidewalks and beer bottles that the neighboring homeowners are left to pick up. I'm sure selling alcohol and food without license is illegal. I doubt that she is checking Id yo who she is selling alcohol to. Something needs to be done.
  • Fields Ct & N Main St Brockton, MA, 02301, USA - Ward 2
    Just a suggestion if it could be passed on to the right person. Has the city ever considered sending direct mail to businesses along Main and Montello Streets (both being main roads that lead right through the center of the city) asking if they would be willing to assist in a city beautification project? The request would be that they voluntarily maintain the area in front of their business - including clearing weeds, sweeping the sidewalk, painting the front of their business, adding potted plants to the outside of their business etc….While of course many will ignore the letter or not bother - many more may have never considered it and would be willing to participate and then encouraging others to join them (or maybe they’d be encouraged by seeing all the other nice properties and wanting that for their business too). Maybe businesses who participate can be highlighted on social media as a thank you for giving back to the community. Perhaps attach some research on the broken window theory. I bring this up because when I drive down main roads in many other cities and towns there is a feeling of pride - it’s beautiful, well maintained and most importantly inviting. I can’t understand why Brockton can’t create this same look and feeling when driving down their main roads. Lastly, I wonder if this could be sent to residents along the main stretches of the roads as well. Taking a shot at getting some on board is better than not asking at all. Maybe it works out and we expand to other streets. What a great way for businesses and residents to give back to their city in such a small may by maintaining their store front/residential front. Thanks for your time and consideration.