West Manchester

Open Issues: 125 Closed Issues: 1,345 Acknowledged Issues: 140
Watching issues created after: 2023-12-05

West Manchester only

Notified About

  • 101 Blaine St Manchester NH 03102, United States - Manchester
    Tires left by 5 Star auto
    He moved his piece of junk truck but watched him leave the tires behind on the curb This guy needs to be fined!!!! Between his constant dumping off his junk cars and now his garbage why isnt he getting spoken to?? Stop playing the games with him and do something! He has 2 more junk cars at the opposite end of Blaine as well As well as on the corner of 3rd and Cleveland st!
  • Homeless Encampment Acknowledged
    Kelley St & Notre Dame Ave Manchester, NH, 03102, USA - Manchester
    New homeless encampment at the corner of Kelly St and Coolidge Ave on the other side of the guardrail. I think it might be the same guy who was camped at the gazebo in the park on Notre Dame Ave. over the last few weeks. He screams at the top of his lungs. Polaris Charter School is in session now. The area where he/they are camped out is where the kids go in and out of school for the day. can you please help us?
  • 200-398 Precourt St Manchester, NH, 03102, USA - Manchester
    Guy comes out here every weekend destroying the field almost hitting car windows golfing in the f****** field when it states clear as day no golfing in the field he's digging up the f****** lawn everything
  • Piscataquog Trail Manchester NH 03102, United States - Manchester
    The traffic of the homeless people has gotten much worse over the last few months (3rd street/Blaine area) Drug paraphernalia and basic garbage is increasing getting worse on rail trail and surrounding residences Safety has become a huge concern for people wanting to walk their dogs or bring their kids on the rail trail. Between the dirt bikes and encampments its increasingly become impossible to walk the area safely
    With the opening of the Revive Recovery Resource Center on Blaine st The traffic of the homeless people has greatly increased and we are asking for increasing visibility from MPD
  • DPW-Other Archived
    36 Violet St Manchester, New Hampshire, 03102 - Manchester
    Looking to see if there is a broken pipe in this area. Ive listed here for 8 years and this has been a problem for just the last 2 years. Recently had driveway paved and they said the water build up flowing under/across my driveway will cause my driveway to crack/sink. It starts here and then flows across my driveway (pic included) like a river. It freezes inches thick in the winter months on/under driveway. It also freezes down the whole road and is very dangerous for those coming down the hill. Hoping someone can come take a look at the pipes in area. Its getting worse. Much appreciated.
  • 201 Dubuque St Manchester NH 03102, United States - Manchester
    Across from 201 dubuque This is our third request. People have been using this place for drugs and bedding
  • Piscataquog River Park Manchester NH 03102, United States - Manchester
    There are homeless people camping out around the park. They come and go through the park and up Precourt Street. Fun in the Sun starts soon and there will be children in the park What is being done to move the encampment out and not expose the campers to the people coming and going? They are often stumbling/under the influence, cursing and arguing/fighting..
  • Signal Repair Archived
    2nd St & W Hancock St Manchester, NH, 03102, USA - Manchester
    The green signal duration for cars turning left onto West Hancock from Second St is too short. It used to allow at least 10-12 cars through before turning red, now it only allows 5 or 6. The line of cars looking to turn in the evening commute doesn't get cleared in one cycle like it used to.
  • 75 W Hancock St Manchester NH 03102, United States - Manchester
    Two graffiti spots on each side of the underpass.
  • 252–278 Eddy Rd Manchester NH 03102, United States - Manchester
    Large homeless encampments. Not sure if people are occupying them. A lot of trash lying around in this area.
  • 433 Youville St Manchester NH 03102, United States - Manchester
    Continued drug sales at this home. People are pulling in the alley behind the home to buy drugs and parking on the parking lot of the Cullerot baseball field to buy drugs from persons staying here. We are at the point where the homeowner is a willing part and needs to be charged as well or a welfare check needs to be done. The child that used to live there has completely disappeared for over a year now and that is a concern as he is around 12 or 13. Is the child ok?
  • 385 Youville St Manchester NH 03102, United States - Manchester
    This is an absolute mess! How long do we have to deal with this mess the city left? Removing the retaining walls only have to deal with this crap?