Sutton Place
Notified About
Illegal Dumping Archived2066 Salisbury Ct Palm Harbor, Florida, 34683 - Palm HarborThe residents of this address have placed piles of yard debris on the side and rear of their property. These piles are technically in the road and also on the easement of Omaha street. The ones on the side are in the gutter on Sutton Place Dr. and the rear one is in the grass right next to the road and bike lane. This is one street from Palm Harbor University High School and there are lots of walkers and bike riders.
Road Issue Archived2065 Salisbury Ct Palm Harbor, FL, 34683, USA - Palm HarborOur neighbor at the South east corner of Salisbury Court continues to park vehicles that obstruct the road traffic to deliver fire and Emergency Services in addition to the package delivery by UPS FedEx and trash delivery service. Other residents also park in the street at times when the large vehicles I had mentioned are trying to navigate to the end of the street with the cul-de-sac. This obstruction could be potentially fatal or critical to Residents who live here. I have lived here since 1985 and this is dangerous those who live on Salisbury Ct. Palm Harbor!
Environmental Archived2065 Salisbury Ct Palm Harbor, Florida, 34683 - Palm Harbor
2065 Salisbury Ct, Palm Harbor - My concern is related to the homeowners running a pool cleaning business out of their home as seen in the attached picture. They also store pool chemicals directly in their attached garage, have employees everyday coming by their home to pick up and drop off the work vehicle as early as 5 AM and have vendors and customers stopping by. The work vehicles have company advertisement all over the vehicle as well as work equipment and chemicals visibly stored and hanging out of the bed of the vehicles.
There are times these work vehicles are parked in their yard and on the grass.
So what would happen with these hazmat chemicals if there were a hurricane, flood or chemical spill?
How would this affect the high school adjacent to the neighborhood and local residents?
What plans are in place in case of a chemical spill or chemical mixture whether the occupants of the home, where these are stored, are present or not?
Are there plans that this will not leak into our storm drainage and/or water table?
Environmental Archived2065 Salisbury Ct Palm Harbor, FL 34683, USA - Palm Harbor
2065 Salisbury Ct, Palm Harbor - My concern is related to the homeowners running a pool cleaning business out of their home as seen in the attached picture. They also store pool chemicals directly in their attached garage, have employees everyday coming by their home to pick up and drop off the work vehicle as early as 5 AM and have vendors and customers stopping by. The work vehicles have company advertisement all over the vehicle as well as work equipment and chemicals visibly stored and hanging out of the bed of the vehicles.
There are times these work vehicles are parked in their yard and on the grass.
So what would happen with these hazmat chemicals if there were a hurricane, flood or chemical spill?
How would this affect the high school adjacent to the neighborhood and local residents?
What plans are in place in case of a chemical spill or chemical mixture whether the occupants of the home, where these are stored, are present or not?
Are there plans that this will not leak into our storm drainage and/or water table?