Open Issues: 4 Closed Issues: 28 Acknowledged Issues: 10
Watching issues created after: 2024-02-16

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  • 1680 Redbourne Dr Sandy Springs, GA, 30350, USA - Sandy Springs
    I have reported this hazard already but it still isn’t fixed. Is this a city meter box? The lid has collapsed inward. It’s been like this for months and many people walk in the neighborhood by it. This is not at my residence but at the Deerfield entrance. Thanks.
  • 535 Windsor Pkwy Sandy Springs 30342, United States - Sandy Springs
    Deep dip in the west bound lane at 510 Windsor Pkwy. Dip appeared as a result of water/sewer construction at the resident mentioned above. There was a steel plate in the road for several weeks while construction was underway. When the road was repaved it was done so unevenly resulting in a massive dip.
  • Water Leaks Archived
    Sandy Springs 30339 United States - Sandy Springs
  • Utilities Archived
    5178 S Trimble Rd Ne Sandy Springs 30342, United States - Sandy Springs
    The dog water fountain bowl does not drain.
  • Water Leaks Acknowledged
    6470 Wright Circle Rd Sandy Springs 30328 United States - Sandy Springs
    Property at 6470 is bank owned, note in window states water has been shut off, but huge water leak bubbling up in center of property (area circled on pic) and flowing towards my driveway into storm drain.
  • 90 N Mill Rd Sandy Springs 30328, United States - Sandy Springs
    Extensive Damage to stormwater drain cover in our front yard. Road repavers demolished the large stormwater drain cover in our front yard and then orange safety cones and caution tape were placed from our mailbox about 5-6’ to the far side of the stormwater drain cover.
    We’d like to know what plans are being formulated to correct this safety concern.
    Thank you.
    Linda Zaworski
    90 North Mill Rd
    Sandy Springs 30328
  • 4751 Mystic Dr Ne Atlanta, Georgia, 30342 - Sandy Springs

    Utility crews were repairing an issue with the fire hydrant across the street from our house (and curbing in front of the house) and the heavy equipment used by the crews flattened and damaged the curb in front of the house.

    These curbs were recently repaired to prevent water runoff entering our yard. With the current damage, water from the street is entering our yard again.

  • 664–682 Dalrymple Rd Sandy Springs GA 30328, United States - Sandy Springs

    Vertical Earth's silt fencing arrangement and its portal toilet placement for Project TS-108's soil erosion, sediment, and pollution control present potential environmental concerns.

    The fencing does not appear to span the entire area along the Chevron station's Dalrymple entrance, to the right of the USTunderground gasoline storage tank pit, plus BMP proper j-hook, or spurring, of the fencing seems to be lacking.

    GDOT's BMP is to locate portable toilets at least 50 feet away from streets, gutters, watercourses and storm drains. Safety concerns relate primarily to proper access for disposal and the risk of hazardous spillages.

    Let's hope that all environmental concerns related to this very challenging and potentially problematic construction site are addressed on a timely basis by our Public Works' Project Manager.

  • Water Leaks Archived
    200 Morgan Falls Rd Sandy Springs 30350, United States - Sandy Springs
    Water leaking from blue faucet even though appears turned off. This is not an Atlanta Watershed issue but a local issue.
  • Water Leaks Archived
    24 Carrington Way Sandy Springs 30328, United States - Sandy Springs
    8 Carrington Way
    Sandy Springs 30328
  • Water Leaks Archived
    1100 Edgewater Dr Sandy Springs 30328, United States - Sandy Springs
    Water gushing from curbside water meter & has been for > 1 week
  • Other Archived
    7300 Brandon Mill Rd Sandy Springs 30328, United States - Sandy Springs
    ACTIVE LEAKS that have made their way all the way to the basement of the lost corner preserve cottage. As pictured this is the concrete floor of the cottage basement and the ceiling boards around what appeared to be a vent stack above this area were wet.
    See comments for photo of that area.
    Also in comments see pics of Cottage roof leak evidence in storage area on main floor of the Cottage these comments pics are views of wet sheathing boards above that storage area which shows where water is penetrating.