Lorain Borough

Problemi aperti: 3 Problemi chiusi: 0 Problemi presi in atto: 0
Guardando problemi creati dopo: 2010-10-10

Borough Council

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  • 417 Ohio Street Johnstown, PA - Lorain
    Trash, tires, tv, cardboard and misc. garbage tossed in between the garage and adjoining building. Residents of 417 have been seen throwing trash from their car when getting out. It blows into the parking lot and across and down the street into others yards. This used to be a well kept neighborhood where people were proud of where they live. Give us back our Borough!!!
  • 562 Oakland Avenue Johnstown, PA - Lorain
    This property had at least 2 major fires. The property is non-repairable and needs to be torn down. Potential risks include fire reigniting, drug house, kids could fall in, etc. Rats have been spotted crawling around outside.
  • Litter Open
    417 Ohio Street Johnstown, PA - Lorain
    Trash, tires, tv, cardboard and misc. garbage tossed in between the garage and adjoining building. Residents of 417 have been seen throwing trash from their car when getting out. It blows into the parking lot and across and down the street into others yards. This used to be a well kept neighborhood where people were proud of where they live. Give us back our Borough!!!