City of Hapeville Community Services
Open Issues: 48
Closed Issues: 70
Acknowledged Issues: 0
Watching issues created after: 2010-10-23
Please submit that relate to any Public Works issues, i.e. trash/debris, potholes, graffiti, streetlight or traffic light outages, broken water mains, etc.
Notified About
Code Enforcement Issue Archived2921 Sylvan Rd Atlanta, GA, 30344, USA - East PointTrash and other loose debris located on the side of this home. It’s just laying on the ground and not contained in a trash receptacle.
500-538 Parkway Drive Hapeville, GA 30354, USA - HapevilleThis place is overflowing and needs to be cleaned up! Citizens need to take pride in dumping things in the corresponding bins as well!
Code Enforcement Issue Archived2976 Sylvan Rd East Point 30344, United States - East PointVery tall grass!!
Abandoned Vehicle Archived2901 Sylvan Rd Atlanta, GA, 30344, USA - East PointWhite Volkswagen Passat... Tag NO: RSV7430
This car had not move of the side of the road in over 1 year... the car is abandoned across the street for 2901 Sylvan Rd. -
Abandoned Vehicle Archived2915 Sylvan Rd Atlanta, Georgia, 30344 - East PointPhoto is from Google maps. CAR IS THERE and has been for MONTHS! No tag. What does it take for the city to remove an abandoned car from the right-of-way?
Frozen/Broken/Leaking Archived767-799 Oak Street Hapeville, GA 30354, USA - HapevilleFrozen broken water main under street eroding pavement
Other Archived2949 Sylvan Rd Atlanta, GA 30344, USA - East Pointwire hanging too low across poplar st. please check this. it needs to be lifted. do not know if electric wire. thanks president marie Neighbors to Neighbors Of River Park.
Code Enforcement Issue Archived2967 Sylvan Rd East Point, GA 30344, USA - East Pointgrass needs cutting, its a corner lot so beautiful neighborhood is what we are striving for. Neighbors to Neighbors Of River Park if there another issue with this. then just double checking. 6/3/2019
N Whitney/Central Pothole Archived3400 North Whitney Avenue Atlanta, GA 30354, USA - HapevilleNewly forming could be easily repaired now
Illegal Dumping Archived2901 Sylvan Road Atlanta, Georgia - East PointThere are 9 tires behind this location on east Washington and sylvan rd. River Park community. 2 time of reporting. Near edge of street on east Washington.