Travis Horsley

Mga Bukas na Isyu: 4 Mga Saradong Isyu: 1 Mga Na-acknowledge na Isy: 1
Minamanmanan ang mga isyu na ginawa pagkatapos: 2010-10-24

A concerned citizen in Georgia House District 56.

Napagbigyang-alam Tungkol

  • Blocked bike lane Acknowledged
    616 Glenn St Sw Atlanta, GA 30312 - Adair Park
    Bike lane that begins on Ralph David Abernathy towards Turner Field is unusable due to overgrown foliage in the bike lane. Substantial debris, gravel and litter also impede cyclist's use of this lane. As the lane nears Turner Field obstacles from parking companies are placed directly in the bike lane.
  • University Avenue Atlanta, GA - Adair Park
    University Ave. Between I-75 and Metorpolitan Ave. The gas pipe has been compete for 2 months. Paving needed. You have visited last summer.
  • University Avenue Atlanta, GA - Adair Park
    Sometime, last year a motorist in a truck died, when his struck hit a pole or tree off University Avenue. There has been multiple types of work, but the pavement has small humps along University Avenue. There is concrete that has been poured in a trench along University Avenue. The pavement is un-even or rough.
  • 660 Murphy Avenue Southwest Atlanta, Georgia - Adair Park
    Where the old rail tracks used to go into the Metropolitan Warehouse/Lofts back gate is a very challenging crossing on bicycle or even automobile.
  • 480-538 Murphy Ave Sw Atlanta, GA 30310, USA - Adair Park
    These tracks are out of use and have been the cause of many, many broken collarbones. The city needs to pave over.
  • Ralph David Abernathy Blvd Atlanta, Fulton, GA - Adair Park
    A few years ago they closed RD Abernathy Blvd up to Metropolitan for more than a year to correct the road, but they did nothing to fix RDA Blvd between Metropolitan and Lee Street; It is a "darn" shame!!!