Chestnut Hill, PA

Mga Bukas na Isyu: 92 Mga Saradong Isyu: 275 Mga Na-acknowledge na Isy: 29
Minamanmanan ang mga isyu na ginawa pagkatapos: 2010-11-02

Greater Chestnut Hill Community

Napagbigyang-alam Tungkol

  • 652-698 Roxborough Ave Philadelphia, PA 19128, USA - Roxborough
    There is no storm water/sewer inlet to catch the water that flows down Roxborough Ave. and onto the golf course and adjacent park. During storms large amounts of sediment are deposited on the golf cart path and severe erosion is occurring in the park. The water is flowing along the north side of Roxborough Ave. from Henry Ave towards Magdalena St. The inlet would need to be located on the north side of Roxborough Ave where it intersects with Magdalena St.
  • 8420 Germantown Ave Philadelphia, PA - Chestnut Hill
    This is a general comment regarding the pedestrian cross walks and the pavement lane markings in Chestnut Hill.
    They were repainted a few years ago but the paint didn't last very long (months) and most crosswalks have no visible markings. The centerline on the pavement has been nonexistent until recently when it got a "sticker" applied. This sticker has already peeling and gone in many places.
    For a street that is supposed to be pedestrian friendly I hope the city can get this corrected.
  • 8911 Germantown Ave Philadelphia, PA 19118 - Chestnut Hill
    The whole stretch of Germantown Ave. between Bells Mill and Chestnut Hill Avenue is a mess. There are giant divets and bumps in the pavement all along this stretch of road. Stay as far to the right hand side as you can to avoid them.
  • 3 E Mermaid Ln Philadelphia, PA 19118 - Chestnut Hill
    the mayor of east mermaid lane mitch melton and mr. craig sears should be embarrassed beyond comprehension to allow their street in chestnut hill to become a mish mosh patch up job. These individuals detested having a supermarket built facing Mermaid Lane, yet, turned a blind eye towards Winston Road.
  • Forbidden Road And Green Lane Philadelphia, PA - Roxborough
    On 7/21/11, reported that someone was dumping the urine of cancer patients into Wissahickon Creek causing a radioactive hotspot that is very dangerous to human beings. Since then, I have heard nothing more about this threat despite three emails to the EPA and five to Curtis Jones, my city councilman.
  • 7084 7126 Forbidden Dr Philadelphia, PA 19128, USA - Chestnut Hill
    Gangs of people are converging on the area called "Devil's Pool" in the Wissahickon Valley Park and are using this park area as their party spot, and are leaving behind mounds of trash, as well as criminally harassing park users as they walk by on the hiking trails. A police presence is NEEDED!
  • 223 East Highland Avenue Philadelphia, PA - Chestnut Hill
    This house has been empty for over 3 years and is in absolutely horrible condition. I have contacted L&I but it seems they either don't care or cannot do anything. The owner (Liliana Falkenstein ,PO Box 34735, Phila.,PA 19101 doesn't seem to care. Maybe if enough people pressure her she will sell this property.
  • Cheltenham Ave Between Limekiln Pike And Vernon Road 19150 - Cedar Brook
    entires esction of cheltenham avenue has way to go around them becuase they are all intertwined with one another.
  • Emlen St Philadelphia, PA - Mount Airy
    It's like a minefield. Tons of potholes.
  • 7462 Mccallum St Philadelphia, PA 19119 - Mount Airy
    This street has never been repaired correctly , starting from card-carrying liberal William J. Green, Wilson No Goode, Rendell, the homeless bum dressed in a 3 piece business suit, John One Way Street. Get a Japanese contractor to repair this road correctly!
  • Lincoln Dr philadelphia, pa - Mount Airy
    The road has so many potholes and the "grinding" that was done actually contributes to the danger. We need the city to do something about this before more people are hurt/killed.
  • 600 Block Glen Echo Rd Philadelphia, PA - Mount Airy
    need more comprehensive plowing-- one pass isn't enough to get cars out & down the hill to S. Mt. Pleasant, which also needs to be plowed