City of Warren Mayor

Open Issues: 278 Closed Issues: 266 Acknowledged Issues: 1
Watching issues created after: 2009-10-09

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  • 11601-11799 Amel Dr Warren, MI 48093, USA - Warren

    Shopping Plaza on Southeast corner of 13/Hoover is a run-down heap. Trash litters the parking lot and walkways. Brick wall behind building has fallen over and has not been repaired.


  • 30616-30998 Hoover Rd Warren, MI 48093, USA - Warren

    The now closed BP Gas Station and Service Center located on the southeast corner of 13 Mile/Hoover is a boarded-up trash heap. Having intimate knowledge of the building, it will not pass inspection and will need to be torn down or exhaustively renovated.

    Please, let's not have this blight sit here for too much longer...

  • Milton & E 12 Mile Rd Warren, MI 48092, USA - Warren
    This is the main street out of the sub and the only light for bikers and pedestrians to cross 12 mile out of the sub. It is now very dangerous crossing, turning left in a car in or out. PLEASE PUT THE FULL LIGHT BACK
  • 31001-31111 Schoenherr Rd Warren, MI 48088, USA - Warren
    The new timing of the lights and left turn arrows are going to cause many wrecks. People with a yellow arrow will naturally think oncoming light is red. Lots of us talking about that intersection! The arrow should be BLINKING RED.
  • 8236 E 12 Mile Rd Warren, MI - Warren
    There are three lights on 12 Mile within a 1/4 mile as you approach Van Dyke. One light is for the shopping center and is not necessary. The next light is for the turn around for eastbouand traffic to go westbound. The third light is att he intersection of Van Dyke and 12 Mile. These lights are timed horribly. Each morning, there is a long backup of traffic on 12 Mile due to the short greens on 12 Mile. Traffic moves smoothly before and after this intersection, but bottlenecks here. I see many cars go through the shopping center to avoid this. I do not blame them.
  • 26900 Groesbeck Hwy Warren, MI 48089, USA - Warren
    Why has it taken 3 months to rebuild the bridge over I696 at Groesbeck?
  • 13520 E 12 Mile Rd Warren, MI 48088, USA - Warren
    The lights at this intersection are confusing and need to be change. I go through this intersection several times a week - the way the lights are setup to work are confusing and have cause accidents - they need to be changed before someone is killed
  • Bear Creek Dr Warren, MI 48093, USA - Warren
    Cars heading west on Chicago Rd are racing top speeds; several accidents hitting the telephone poles & curbs. This is a children's bus stop!!! No speed limit controls these cars & you can rarely turn left onto Chicago past the creek due to the speeding cars. Bear Creek residents rarely get a safe opportunity to turn left heading East. Please put a light there !! Please protect our kids!!!
  • Lane ends Archived
    29001-29293 Mound Rd Warren, MI 48092, USA - Warren
    West bound on 12 just after Mound there are 3 lanes heading west. A shopping center is there with an entrance just past where the 3 lanes go to 2 ... you have to merge just before you turn into the center! People going into the shopping center are stuck trying to slow down or stop to turn right as they merge and the nearest lane traffic going straight is speeding by. Horrible set up. Why not extend the 3rd lane to just up to the center entrance?
  • 14190-14398 E 11 Mile Rd Warren, MI 48089, USA - Warren
    The timing of the two lights when you are trying to cross over 696, while on Bunert need to be fixed. It should not take you 4 or 5 lights to be able to cross through these two intersections. It also causing backups on the Eastbound service drive because the cars get stopped on the bridge for several lights and there is no place for traffic to go.
  • 7501-7999 Paige Ave Warren, MI 48091, USA - Warren
    There has been a water leak for over a year 1 block north of 9 mile on VanDyke on the west side of the street. It freezes and you literally slide your car driving south to 9 mile.
  • 28717-28739 Mound Rd Warren, MI 48092, USA - Warren
    Why is this light even here? This light stops the entire flow of mound road traffic to let 1 or 2 cars go around the turn to south mound. What a waste of money as well as grinding traffic to a halt on a road that used to flow really good. The light is first light south of 12 mile on mound road. In addition, the light is out of sync. So when southbound traffic gets the green light from 12 mile you have to immediately stop for this light.