Royal Oak Mayor
Open Issues: 125
Closed Issues: 68
Acknowledged Issues: 0
Watching issues created after: 2009-10-12
Royal Oak Mayor
Notified About
600-698 N Washington Ave Royal Oak, MI 48067, USA - Royal OakThere are MULTIPLE dangers at this intersection. It is a traffic nightmare before and after school. It needs to be evaluated because there are several factors causing the dangers daily. School officials, media, and local police have all been notified multiple times. TWO CHILDREN HAVE ALREADY BEEN HIT BY CARS. Please can we get the intersection of Washington and Willis assessed for safety? Spring is on the way and there is going to be a tragedy if something is not done.
Bad pavement Open1915 Rowland Royal Oak, MI 48073, USA - Royal OakThe concrete in the street is crumbling in front of 1915 and 1921
Rowland . This issue has been reported for years and the only result is the city plopping some more asphalt in the hole.Of course this lasts less than six months and makes the drainage in the street terrible.
In front of 1904 and 1910 there is missing parts of the street curb. -
Full of potholes! Open1211 Campbell Rd Royal Oak, MI 48067, USA - Royal OakCampbell road between Gardenia Ave and 12 mile is loaded with potholes and such terrible fill jobs that the road is uneven and bumpy. I can't even drive in the right lane. It needs to be repaved before winter or the damage will be worse and cost much more.
hot rodding Open31365-31555 Woodward Ave Royal Oak, MI 48073, USA - Royal OakAir and noise quality terrible as burnt rubber and non emissioned high horsepowered race cars and classic cars that smell awful and emit horrible exhaust line up here all weekend long. I pay a premium to live in a quiet area and now it is just loud noise and smog all night fri sat sun. Move these cruisers south. Or ban the 500 horsepower no emission race cars and oil burning junkers that are just a plume of blue smoke.
418 Austin Ave. Royal Oak, MI - Royal Oak
People heading Northbound on Washington often hang a Left on Austin Ave to circumvent turning left on the ALWAYS BUSY AND CONGESTED Washington/Catalpa Intersection.
That way they can easily zig zag over to Woodward, etc. I can't tell you how many times people ZOOM down this street going 40-50mph and RIGHT THERE IS ROYAL OAK MIDDLE SCHOOL. There are constantly kids on the street and around the area and is an accident waiting to happen.
CEMENT SPEED BUMPS would go a LONG WAY toward stopping both the traffic and the dangers/problems...
2820 Woodslee - Royal OakThe left turn light at 14 and Crooks turns too fast. you cant make the turn fast enough
Coolidge Hwy Royal Oak Charter Township, MI 48073, USA - Royal OakThis is a solid red turn light. I dont understand some people sit and wait for the light to turn green and others cut in front of the north bound Coolidge traffic. There is no sign that says no turn on red????? I am so confused.
30150 Campbell Road Madison Heights, MI 48071, USA - Royal OakThis school is on a busy road bordering two city's. Children are forced to run across to get home. Nearest crosswalks are half a mile in each direction. Two people have been hit by cars. Someone is going to get killed!! Parking lot is maxed out traffic is out of control. This is children's safety!!! Please put up a crosswalk!!!!!
Stephenson Hwy Royal Oak, MI - Royal OakWhen is the Northbound service drive between Lincoln and 11 Mile going to be addressed? Madison Heights repaired the section South of this location so why hasnt Royal Oak coordinated any repairs for this embarrassment? The entire stretch is a mine field and is nearly unpassable? The condition is beyond simple patching and needs a complete resurfacing.
rough road surface Open544-899 N Sherman Dr Royal Oak, MI 48067, USA - Royal OakSherman Drive is in poor shape between 11 Mile and Maple Roads. Holes so big that vehicle suspensions are being damaged, along with tires. It is hard to avoid the craters and pedestrians at the same time. This problem is more than 2 years old, and getting worse. While it has been patched, it is still in poor shape. The rough road now extends to Maxwell. What is the City waiting for?
101 W 11 Mile Rd Royal Oak, MI 48067, USA - Royal OakI travel here regularly, so have gotten used to this quirky light. However, I've seen several near-accidents that occur because of the light's timing on the left-turn light (from 11 onto Main in particular) makes the driver believe he can sit in the intersection and then complete the turn, but the light suddenly turns red, leaving him stuck there.
100-198 E Farnum Ave Royal Oak, MI 48067, USA - Royal OakThis stretch of dirt road is always muddy or pitted. It should be paved. Since E. Farnum goes all the way to Main Street, why should I need to take a detour to avoid damage to my car?