Open Issues: 12
Closed Issues: 597
Acknowledged Issues: 66
Watching issues created after: 2011-04-27
Notified About
Need a turn signal! ArchivedIntersection Of Market Street And Washington Street In Brighton 02135 - Allston-BrightonThere should be a turn signal at the intersection of Market Street and Washington Street. Traffic is backed up on both streets with people waiting to turn. Plus, it's a safety hazard as people wait until after the light turns red to turn, or jumps the light and turns before the light turns green.
telephone pole about to fall over Acknowledged2031 Commonwealth Avenue Boston, MA - Allston-BrightonThis pole is leaning precariously and seems about to topple over. Please get this fixed!
(pothole) potholes galore ArchivedThis stretch on comm. ave b/w harvard and washington streets is a mess.
5 Ayr Rd - Allston-Brighton
Pulling out onto Ayr Rd from the alleyway that runs parallel to Orkney and Beacon (ie directly behind Eagle's Deli, Ace Hardware, Pino's Pizza.) is extremely dangerous--the parked cars on Ayr Rd make it nearly impossible to see oncoming traffic from either direction.
This is particularly true if you are making a right onto Ayr Rd, heading South towards Beacon St.
If a short (3-4 ft) no-parking zone was established on Ayr Rd from the mouth of this alleyway, it would be a tremendous aid to the visibility of drivers pulling out onto this street, and accidents like the one I had a few weeks ago could be avoided!
Thank you for considering this idea.
(pothole) 1474 Commonwealth Avenue ArchivedCommonwealth Ave and the carriage lane that runs beside it are currently in terrible shape...
Went to a BC basketball game last night, I had forgotten how bad this road is. I can't say it's one pothole in particular; rather, the entire stretch from South Street to Lake Street is akin to one giant pothole. I've been on smoother dirt roads.
Hanging Wire from Telephone Pole AcknowledgedFoster Street Brighton, MA - Allston-BrightonThere is a wire hanging from a telephone pole near the corner of Foster and Comm. In addition, the telephone pole at the corner of Comm. is leaning over and looks like it's ready to fall.
They do make an effort to patch these holes but they re-appear within a week.
Traffic Issue at Stop Light Acknowledged258-298 Brighton Ave Boston, MA 02134, USA - Allston-BrightonVehicles in the left turn lane on Brighton Ave ignore their left turn only signs and cut-off vehicles in the right lane that are heading straight onto North Beacon Street. Motorists us the left turn lane(s) to cut-off the traffic in the right lane.
Kenrick St Boston, MA - Allston-BrightonTHIS WHOLE STREET IS A TREACHEROUS OBSTACLE COURSE IN THE AM!! (Left unfixed for several years now!!)