City of Westminster City Manager

Problemi aperti: 30 Problemi chiusi: 17 Problemi presi in atto: 0
Guardando problemi creati dopo: 2009-10-12

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  • 10800-10898 Simms St Westminster, CO 80021, USA - Westminster
    Lots of bikers on this road. Adding a paved shoulder on Simms would help connect the Westmor technology park with RD 128 providing bikers easier (and safer) access to Interlocken and Flatirons bike paths.
  • 11700-11800 W 100th Ave Westminster, CO 80021, USA - Westminster
    This road is a gorgeous and is popular with cyclists. I'd like to see a bike lane here.
  • West Westminster, CO, USA - Westminster
    Complete the bike/pedestrian path surrounding of the lake.
  • Big Dry Creek East Of 112th - Westminster

    As a major commuting route, the BDCT should be paved so it melts quicker in the winter and is road bike friendly.

    The trail also really needs a gravel shoulder in addition to the paved path, as many runners come to the trail to run without the pounding of pavement. I know several running groups that meet at city park for runs because of the gravel trail.

  • 4571-4641 W 92nd Ave Westminster, CO 80031, USA - Westminster

    Westbound the marked shoulder disappears. If we are supposed to go to the wide sidewalk, then there needs to be a curb cut.

    Eastbound the road is very narrow and the sidewalk is narrow and unsuitable on the southside of the street.

  • 13455-13769 W 96th Ave Westminster, CO 80005, USA - Westminster
    The Alkire to Indiana route is a popular route and a beautiful ride. The road is way to narrow and dangerous.
  • 8247-8349 W 99th Ave Broomfield, CO 80021, USA - US Congressional District CO2
    I ride the Big Dry Creek Trail. It comes to this street and puts me on a local street. A bike lane would look help the connection to the rest of the trail
  • 8046-8260 W 108th Ave Westminster, CO 80021, USA - Westminster
    I'd like to see bike lanes on 108th and on Westminster Blvd so that it would be safer for kids to bike to Sensory Park from the Walnut Creek area. Currently, we just use Dry Creek Trail, but it would be nice to have a more direct route from 108th/Wadsworth Pkwy. I would be especially hesitant allowing my daughter to bike under the train overpass on Wads Blvd.
  • 12550 Zuni St Westminster, CO 80234, USA - Westminster
    Two lane high speed road, no shoulder, of course no bike lane. Two lane bridge with no room. There is an underpass but in bad weather the unpaved trail is not rideable (mud) and the increased distance is not conducive to serious transportation. One of the few "escape" routes from scary Westminster to safer Broomfield.
  • 12111-12273 Huron St Westminster, CO 80234, USA - Westminster
    What a shame that the huge reconstruction and improvement of Huron north of 120th did not include bike lanes! Big money went into widening, landscaped medians, turning lanes. This is a good route to the new business centers at 136, 144, and Hwy 7 as well as a good connection to the Weld county rural roads but bikes are not welcome!
  • Westcliff Pkwy Westminster, CO 80021, USA - Westminster
    Considering there is a ramp down on the other side of the street, it would be nice if there was one on this side of the street too. Otherwise you need to cross westcliff parkway in an awkward spot to get down to the Dry Creek Trail.
  • 4900-4938 W 93rd Ave Westminster, CO 80031, USA - Westminster
    The bollard racks at this park make bikes fall over and should be replaced with a rack type that has two contact points.