Davie Mayor
Open Issues: 37
Closed Issues: 41
Acknowledged Issues: 0
Watching issues created after: 2009-10-12
Davie Mayor
Notified About
S Pine Island Rd Davie 33314, United States - DavieNeeds do not block intersection sign and painted lines to discourage blocking especially during rush hours when someone can get hurt. It’s dangerous.
I75 South bound exit ramp ArchivedFl-93 Davie, FL 33331, USA - DavieNew exit ramp I75 south bound traffic light Sheridan, green light only last 20 seconds, the traffic jam is all day long
Left Turn Light Open8066 Griffin Rd Davie, FL 33328 - DavieLeft turn light only remains green for 1 to 2 seconds before promptly turning to yellow and red.
Filthy roof Archived12973 Sw 26th St Davie FL 33325, USA - DavieHouse on SE corner of SW 26 st and 130 ave davie
Roof is black -
12701 Kapok Ln Davie FL 33330, USA - DavieThese gates have been open for weeks meaning the pool is not gated and is a safety hazard for kids possibly falling in
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Loose gravel Archived8603-8675 Orange Dr Davie, FL 33328, USA - DavieAfter the repaying of orange av, loose gravel was left behind which is getting kicked up by passing cars and hitting people walking on sidewalk.
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