Brewery District Watch Area
Open Issues: 0
Closed Issues: 88
Acknowledged Issues: 11
Watching issues created after: 2012-04-12
Brewery District Watch Area
Notified About
260 Amory St Boston, MA 02130, USA - RoxburyDrivers speed up and down Amory St. and completely ignore crosswalk at Southwest Corridor near The Brewery.
Other City Request Acknowledged154 Boylston Street Jamaica Plain, MA 02130, USA - RoxburyI was visiting a friend and needed to irk in the neighborhood. No parking spots as everyone had their 'space savers' (which are not legal btw) all over. I moved a trash can so I could park on a public street. Came back to my car 2 hours later and my drivers side mirror was very obviously smashed off by someone on purpose. Guess JP does not want me to frequent local business in this area and spend by money. Also. Since when is VANDALISM ok???? Wish the city or the police would actually do something about this but I doubt it.
Light is out ArchivedFlaherty Park Jamaica Plain, MA - RoxburyDuring Irene, a giant tree fell and damaged the light in the park. The tree has been cleared by the light still needs to be fixed.
SouthwestCorridor lights out Archived247-253 Amory St Boston, MA - RoxburyLight posts 301, 303 and 304 are all not working at night!
2 Way Street? Archived2 Brookside Ave Boston, MA 02130, USA - Roxburythis street is too small to be a 2 way. cars are parked on one side and when people make that sharp left turn on to brookside ave. from boylston st its very dangerous. i notice people that dont know how to drive just stand there and cause traffic because they are scared to pass the on coming traffic since the street is so tight.
Streetlight is out Archived4 Haverford St Boston, MA - RoxburyStreetlight is out on the corner of Haverford and Cornwall.
Damaged Sign Archived158 Green St Massachusetts - RoxburyBroken bike rack on the corner of Green St & Amory St
130-142 Brookside Ave Boston, MA 02130, USA - RoxburyThis section of Brookside Avenue which has been patched numerous times is a mine field of potholes.
parking restriction sign missing Archived5-99 Porter Street jamaica plain, MA - Roxbury
This was originally posted in February and was tagged as resolved, but no parking restriction signs were installed.
It was assigned 2 different service request IDs: