Roberta Mirabal

Mga Bukas na Isyu: 0 Mga Saradong Isyu: 2 Mga Na-acknowledge na Isy: 0
Minamanmanan ang mga isyu na ginawa pagkatapos: 2012-06-09

Napagbigyang-alam Tungkol

  • Broken Glass Archived
    Gershom Ave Lowell, MA - Lowell

    This concerns broken glass all over the sidewalk, and in the street. If you walk by the pawtucketville social Club, and turn onto Gershom Ave, look down, your stepping on it. Broken glass all along the side of the club!!

    Most of the glass, has been swept up, still a little left, but much better than before. 8-5-12

  • Snow Removal Archived
    Wang School Lowell MA - Lowell
    Is there a chance the snowbank between the sidewalk and street can be removed so students getting picked up from the Wang and Pawtucketville Memorial schools don't have to climb over them when getting pucked up?