17th Police District, Bike Incidents

Open Issues: 17 Closed Issues: 24 Acknowledged Issues: 7
Watching issues created after: 2009-12-21

This watch area is set up by the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia to report traffic accidents or instances of road rage and harassment.

Notified About

  • 1422 Castle Ave Philadelphia, PA - Newbold neighborhood

    Abandon Van used for storage

    There is an abandon van that has been parked here well before Halloween. All the tires are flat now and the gas cap is missing reeking the smell of fuel. Sometimes when walking to the subway in the morning there is a man sleeping in the back. The van should be towed away and fined. With a playground full of kids across the street, this is not safe.

    Although there is a NO TRUCK parking sign on the street, these super long club wagons are not considered trucks even though it take up more space. They are normally used to take workers to farms or factories and are dumped around this area when they break down. Homeless seek selter and then break in. This van should be removed ASAP.

    PA TAG: HGM-2836

  • 2214 South St philadelphia, PA - Schuylkill Southwest
    There are always parked (not idling) cars outside of Phoebe's BBQ. I don't think there has been one rush hour that the lane hasn't been blocked there. Please be considerate and not park your car in the bike lane.
  • 625 S 23rd St Philadelphia, PA 19146, USA - Schuylkill Southwest
    Cars heading northbound on Grays Ferry are forced to turn right onto Bainbridge. When a car gets a green light on Grays Ferry, as they turn, the red light at 23rd and Bainbridge appears to be signaling these cars to stop. However, cars are supposed to proceed from Grays Ferry, onto Bainbridge, and past 23rd without stopping. People often stop short at 23rd and Bainbridge, causing the potential for rear-end accidents and backing up traffic onto Grays Ferry. This traffic light arrangement needs to be updated to make it clear that cars from Grays Ferry should proceed without stopping.
  • 1969 Washington Ave Philadelphia, PA 19146 - Schuylkill Southwest
    Bike Lane is blocked by vehicles parked perpendicular to the road. You can see this on the Satellite view on Google Maps.
  • 2193 Tryon St Philadelphia, PA 19146 - Fitler Square
    Chronically blocked bike lane in front of 711, needs enforcement and potentail NO STANDING sign
  • 21 St & Carpenter Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Schuylkill Southwest
    The methadone clinic business at the East corner of 21st & Washington Ave continues to be a problem with loitering blocking the sidewalk for foot traffic. As a woman, walking past there has become intimidating by the constant unwelcome sexual harassment from patrons of the business standing outside hanging out.
  • 757 S Chadwick St Philadelphia, PA 19146, USA - Schuylkill Southwest
    Neighbors with garages park their secondary vechicles on the sidewalk in front of their garages. This form of parking is a hazard to pedestrians and creates a blockage for emergency vechicles (as stated in previous issue logs). Recently, signs have been posted showing that this is now a "no parking" street. It would be nice if the individuals who supported the designation of this street as "no parking" would follow it's instructions. Solution: Learn to park your car within a 3 block radius like everyone else.
  • 21st And Fitzwater Philadelphia, PA - Schuylkill Southwest

    Over a week ago now a drunk driver crashed and wrecked 6 cars at this intersection. They should immediately have had to pay for the clean up of the entire block, which the remnants have blown all over the place. I have tried to pick up as much as I can but it isn't my job to clean up after a complete idiot who drunkenly ran his car head long into a car just after a stop sign.

    The police have all of his information in the case file.

  • 2214 South St Philadelphia, PA 19146, USA - Schuylkill Southwest
    chronically blocked bike lane - delivery vehicles from phoebes BBQ are very frequently parked in the bike lane
  • 500 S 22nd St Philadelphia, PA 19146, USA - Fitler Square
    There is ALWAYS a car stopped in front of this 7/11, and to add insult to injury - it's usually a police car, which could illegally park somewhere else, without endangering bicyclists.
  • 2208 St Albans Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Schuylkill Southwest
    A silver Ford Aerostar XLT has been parked in front of this property for several weeks. The driver's side rear tire is completely flat and the van appears to have been abandoned. The front bumper has damage and parts of it are missing. The driver's side of the van is also deeply scratched as if it side-swiped another vehicle or has recently been in an accident. PA Plate # GZA-5516.
  • 22nd St & South St Philadelphia, PA 19146, USA - City Center West
    I use the bike lane coming across the South Street Bridge every evening after work (along with many other cyclists), and there is a chronically blocked bike lane area just before 22nd street where several restaurants park their delivery cars and Phoebe's Barbecue often parks their food truck in the bike lane. It is VERY dangerous, especially every evening during rush hour for cars and cyclists.