17th police district

Mga Bukas na Isyu: 268 Mga Saradong Isyu: 608 Mga Na-acknowledge na Isy: 71
Minamanmanan ang mga isyu na ginawa pagkatapos: 2012-08-14

Napagbigyang-alam Tungkol

  • 924 S 20th St Philadelphia, PA 19146, USA - Schuylkill Southwest
    This new store getting ready to open on the NW corner of 20th & Carpenter Streets is a disgrace. First, they breached the party wall through the back into the neighboring property. Next, they installed an air conditioner unit right out on the sidewalk (Carpenter St side). And today they have installed very ugly & DEFINITELY ILLEGAL awnings. They have no permission, variances or anything else that would be required to allow them to do these things. Neighbors unite against this blight!!
  • 738 S Chadwick St Philadelphia, PA 19146, USA - Schuylkill Southwest
    There is a sidewalk/curbside parking issue on the 738-769 block of Chadwick street. Emergency and delivery vehicles cannot access the street and visually impaired pedestrians cannot walk on the sidewalk of the street, all because folks are parking their cars halfway on the sidewalk and street. I almost hit a family of 5 with my car that was walking in the middle of the street because there was no room for them to safely walk on the sidewalk. Citations need to be given to those who illegally park. Phila Parking Auth explains that, in any situation, it is illegal to park on a sidewalk. Most of those who park don’t reside on the block at all!
  • 2200 Saint Albans Street Philadelphia, PA - Schuylkill Southwest
    This issue has been reported to the police on multiple occasions to no avail. The building on the eastern end of the 2200 block of Saint Albans is falling apart, with broken and boarded-up windows. Yet it still houses a suspicious-looking "Checks Cashed" store and several unsavory characters, while serving as the location for the ongoing, blatant and shameless sale of both drugs and sexual favors. This is unsightly, a fire hazard, and a drive-by waiting to happen, despite the police's nonchalance. Please help us stop this!
  • 22nd & Saint Albans Street Philadelphia, PA - Schuylkill Southwest
    Drug dealers on corners daily around 22nd & St. Albans & 22nd & Fulton. Usually in the evenings on both East & West sides depending on the group and the night.
  • 756 S 22nd St Philadelphia, PA 19146, USA - Schuylkill Southwest
    Broken windows and trash piling up in back yard. Disgusting
  • 3:00AM Trash Pickup Acknowledged
    1629 Catharine St. Philadelphia, PA 19146, USA - Schuylkill Southwest
    A private waste management company empties the dumpsters at this property every night between midnight and 5:00AM. While the process only lasts 5-10 minutes, it is incredibly noisy and disruptive to sleeping neighbors.
  • Blight Open
    740 South 18th Street Philadelphia, PA - Schuylkill Southwest
    This house at the corner of 18th and Fitzwater is boarded up and a blight on the neighborhood. L&I should go out there and post one of their new pink notices to get the owner to clean it up or sell it. The owner owes $30,000 in back taxes as well.
  • 2334-2336 Grays Ferry Ave Philadelphia, PA 19146, USA - Schuylkill Southwest

    Cars are being illegally parked on Grays Ferry Ave Sunday morning through the afternoon creating an extremely dangerous traffic situation.

    These cars need to be ticketed and towed.

  • 1524 South St Philadelphia, PA - City Center West

    I have reported this previously ( http://seeclickfix.com/issues/108919 ), but the Royal has fallen further into disrepair over the past few months. The building is not open to the public, but there are now significant cracks on the outside walls of the building.

    Images reposted from http://nakedphilly.com/

  • 2510 Grays Ferry Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19146, USA - Schuylkill Southwest

    And who cares if it's on the sidewalk.

    This out of state renter parks on the sidewalk next to his house everyday blocking the sidewalk. We asked to please not park on the sidewalk months ago. They just don't care. Please ticket this car or tow it away.

  • 2064 Saint Albans Street Philadelphia, PA 19146, USA - Schuylkill Southwest
    The house apparently was sold in December and since the former tenants were evicted, the house has been sitting there with windows open and trash thrown inside and out. I suspect someone or some people are squatting or using the place for drugs. Windows need to be boarded up ASAP!
  • 709 S. 23rd. St. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Schuylkill Southwest
    This building has a history of putting their trash out early, I've been told 40 years, I've seen it for 15 over years. The residents have a history of putting their trash out in paper bags, not in the prescribed manor, in a haphazard way, and in an illegal manner. The entrance to the building faces the 2200 Block of Pemberton Street which is a PMBC Clean Block and has been so since August of 2008. We clean the street on a regular basis. Neighbors have asked nicely that they comply without result. Neighbors have called 311 on numerous occasions to no avail. Trash collection was missed Monday and they continue to add to the trash pile. We are waiting for enforcement.