Wolcott Whisper

Open Issues: 75 Closed Issues: 227 Acknowledged Issues: 18
Watching issues created after: 2012-10-28

Monitoring the areas that people from Wolcott visit most

Notified About

  • Intersection Of Scott Rd & Reidville Drive Waterbury, CT - Waterbury
    Traffic making a left turn from Scott Rd. onto Reidville Dr. has to do so blind because the on coming traffic turning onto I84 blocks line of sight.
  • 246 N Main St Waterbury, CT 06702 - Waterbury
    The traffic signal at the corners of North Main, Kingsbury and Cooke streets are unreasonably long when attempting to cross North Main. The light at Cooke and Grove Street is also unreasonably long. Please review the traffic patterns and adjust the wait time.
  • traffic light Archived
    E Main St Waterbury, CT - Waterbury
    Traffic lanes for this traffic light have been incorrectly designated. The majority of the traffic flowing westbound on East Main St turn right up on Pierpont Rd toward Meriden Road or the 2 public schools located on Pierpont or go straight. Traffic gets tied up and creates a bottleneck for those leaving the Middle School on East Main St and shoppers coming from Costco, Kohl's and Coco Key as well as the regular local traffic. Very few vehicles turn left down Pierpont at this intersection. The lanes should be straight & left turn for one lane and the other should be right turn only.
  • 42-68 Maccormack Drive Wolcott, Connecticut - New Haven County
    Pulling out of MacCormack Drive on to Potuccos Ring Rd is treacherous as the over grown weeds and foliage obstruct the view of on coming traffic that travels WAY too fast for the road conditions. I think the town crew needs to address this.
  • 2-198 School St Plantsville, CT 06479, USA - Southington
    Most of School St. is filled with ruts and potholes. It also is very narrow. The school busses that use it have to stop to allow oncoming traffic to pass.
  • 49 Humiston Brook Road plantsville, CT - Southington

    There is a sink hole in the middle of the road. It has a cone in the hole. This has not been taken care of for 2 weeks.

    Yss, hole was filled but the asphalt has come out again

  • 59 Orange Street - Waterbury
    Come Together With Others and Open A Black Business.
  • 55-237 Witches Rock Rd Bristol, CT 06010, USA - Bristol
    Witches Rock Road is a mess again. Same problem as last winter that was never fixed. Areas of the road were torn up and patched due to water lines being installed. during the winter the road falls apart and raises up due to the poor patch jobs by the various construction companies. Should have been fixed last year
  • Boyden St Waterbury, CT - Waterbury

    The section of Boyden St. from Cathy Ln. north through to Bucks Hill is in terrible shape. Pavement is buckling in many places, litter is endemic, especially in the area with overgrowth, illegal dumping is a daily activity around power lines, ATVs and dirt bikes scream though on a daily basis -- as well as vehicles with unbelievably loud speakers. Additionally speeding is a serious issue, and due to the lack of sidewalks, several near-misses between pedestrians walking in the street and speeding vehicles happen often.

    The city has abandoned this stretch of Boyden; it has abandoned the citizens who live near it; quality of life issues, especially litter and noise, are ignored by the city as well as the police. Please! This could be a very nice area with a little attention. But as it is now, it feels like a ghetto.

  • Marion Ave - Southington
    very dangerous area has needed re-paving for years
  • 270-398 De Fashion St Plantsville, CT 06479, USA - Southington
    This end of the DeFashion St. is potholes and ruts. Can cause accidents.
  • Corner Of Marion Ave Before Strong School - Southington
    The corner always has water on the side, people drive in the middle of road to repair it. Winter is coming and it gets very slippery.