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Open Issues: 0 Closed Issues: 179 Acknowledged Issues: 15
Watching issues created after: 2013-02-02

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  • 9750 Hamlin Blvd Seminole, FL 33776, USA - US Congressional District FL10
    Cars are being parked on the median grass on Hamlin Blvd in front of the Imperial Apartments. These medians are being maintained by the Imperial Point subdivision. We take care of sprinklers, mowing, edging and tree trimming. The cars parked there are from the Imperial Apartments located on the west side of Hamilin Blvd. I have contarted the Pinellas County Sheriffs Office and they referred me to this website. They said the could not do anything unless signs were put up informing people to keep their vehicles off the medians. There is also a boat on a trailer without a license tag parked at Hamlin and Yatch Club. Why should our homeowners association pay to maintain this property only to have lazy people destroy the grounds with their vehicles. Please help. I have also contacted our homeowners association.
  • Marina Way seminole, Florida - US Congressional District FL10
    People living in the townhouses are parking their vehicles on both sides of the road instead of parking in their own parking lot making it difficult for anyone especially an emergency vehicle to pass through. There has been a motor home parked on the road for the past year that has not been moved along with a boat and trailer. This has been an ongoing issue in the neighborhood and Pinellas County needs to enact an ordinance to eliminate the problem on the roadway or have the vehicles park on one side of the road only.
  • Road Issue Archived
    9145-9299 Commodore Dr Seminole, FL 33776, USA - US Congressional District FL10
    93rd ave and 143rd st is closed. There is no construction listed on Pinellas Country web site. There are blue and green flags along the county right of way between Commodore Dr and Hamlin Blvd. Please advise what this project is? Residents are hoping it's not a road extension!
  • 9400-9450 Harbor Greens Way Seminole, FL 33776, USA - US Congressional District FL10
  • Sidewalk Repair Acknowledged
    14521 Passage Way Seminole, FL, 33776, USA - US Congressional District FL10
    The utility company ran a temporary line above the sidewalk back in August 2024. Would it be possible for someone to follow up with them to get them to move the line underground? This is a hazzard along the busy road for bikes and pedestrians.
  • 9399 Commodore Dr Seminole, Florida - US Congressional District FL10
    It started with a couple of large piles of cut trees/limbs and now there is what looks like carpeting being dumped there. On the edge of the road, north end of parking lot and now on the trail, where people walk and bike.
  • 14460 Marina Way Seminole, Florida - US Congressional District FL10
    The sidewalks adjacent to this property on Commodore Drive and the Hamlin Blvd right of way, are heaving to the point where people can easily trip.
  • 9775 Commodore Drive Seminole, FL - US Congressional District FL10
    1. We were told that a company would be coming in to cut the grass and take care of downed trees on the golf course due to Irma last year (present hazards if another one come through) hasn't happened 2. The problem of the flooding on the top nine has resolved on the top half unfortunately the drainage was not carried all the way through and the houses by the parking lot are continually flooded with heavy rains because the of high grass and not large enough piping. 3. There is an on going problem of people dumping their renovation stuff and trees off their properties. On top of it there has been an RV sitting in the parking lot for a few weeks now. This for me is the greatest of the security issues. We have had a peeping tom on several occasions (these have been reported to the police two or three times) and some uncomfortable situations with a car when my kids have walked the dog. Can we get this green space turned into a county park with gates like Walsingham or Bonner park? It would provide a great place for residence to exercise have picnics with family and even an indoor play ground for the local kids. Individuals seem to think that because it's closed down they have a right to drive their cars on the property in the middle of the night. It comes right down to the security of the residence and their property. I would love to upload more pictures.
  • Yacht Club Boulevard Seminole, FL - US Congressional District FL10
    Recurring Illegal Parking on Grassy Street Divider Median. Reported once before but issue was closed. The illegal parking and destruction of the grass continues even after the issue was closed.
  • On Yacht Club Drive west of Oakhurst Road in Seminole FL - US Congressional District FL10
    Cars & Truck frequently park on landscaled median in middle of road destroying grass and ground cover
  • 9555 Commodore Dr seminole, Florida - US Congressional District FL10
    Our property abuts the closed Bay Pointe Golf Course. When we had the large rain last year, our property and the two properties between us and the golf course parking lot flooded. This is the 3rd time in 10 yrs our prop has flooded from the ponds. The county has all the storm water from Oakhurst Rd going onto the golf course and running into the ponds behind our property which are supposed to drain under Commodore drive into a large concrete collection area across the street from the golf course entrance. There is a large drain above the surface of the pond adjacent to the 9th green which is supposed to take the water under Commodore Dr into that culvert. That drain is covered with all sorts of debris so if we get another large rain, I'm sure our yard will again flood. It would be nice if you could clean the drain cover at the end of the pond next to Harbor Greens Dr, and it would also be nice if you could construct a berm and swale behind the last five houses between the golf course parking lot and 9591 Commodore Dr. which would hopefully direct any pond flooding away from our properties. In addition, since the golf course isn't being maintained any longer, the weeds around the ponds aren't being cut back, so that may lead to increased pond flooding.
  • 9775 Commodore Drive Seminole, Florida - US Congressional District FL10
    Culvert in drainage easement through Baypointe Golf Course(closed) is collapsed under cartpath. Upstream Oakhurst Rd drainage improvements send water to golf course and the undersized pipes running through golf course cannot handle the water. 36" & 24" pipes feed into a 30" pipe. 2016 flood knocked down wall between homes and golf course. Swamped houses and pools. The golf course has closed. This would be a good time to replace the collapsed and undersized pipes in the golf course drainage easement.