City of Malden - Ward 3
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Speeding T buses and others ArchivedSavin Street Malden, MA - Malden Ward 3Savin Street from Fellsway East to The Malden Hospital has only one speed limit sign on the incline and none on the decline. The street has many blind driveways and curves making it difficult to gauge on coming traffic from all directions. Can we post more speed limit signs and slow the lower the speed threshold. Currently it is posted at 30 mph. The Fellsway itself is 25 mph and that is a two lane divided road with very few blind spots. It only makes sense that we slow the traffic, post it better and ensure equal amount of enforcement as the Fellsway.
Curb Cut ArchivedWinn Terrece Malden, MA - Malden Ward 3Having proper curb cuts in the neighborhood is needed. This is at the intersection of Winn and Summer.
431 Fellsway East Malden, MA - Malden Ward 3
Alongside State Senator Jason Lewis and Representatives Paul Brodeur, Paul Donato, and Steve Ultrino in conjunction with Councillors Debbie DeMaria, John Matheson, and Craig Spadafora, Mayor Christenson will be working with the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) to fund the majority of the cost of the long-term solution to the dangerous intersection at Highland Avenue and Fellsway East. This intersection has long been the scene of many accidents and these improvements, which includes signalization, will take place by 2019 pending Council approval of the City’s share of the costs.
After the City's share of the costs is approved and a project plan is implemented, we will post details to this ticket.
Murray Hill Rd Malden, MA 02148, USA - Malden Ward 3Please, please, please put lines on the hill on Murray Hill Road towards East Fellsway. For the 3rd time in just over a week I was almost hit head-on. People seem to not realize it is a 2-way road. Those coming down the hill cut the blind corner and drive in the middle or even the left side of the road - directly in the path of those coming up the hill.
650-656 Highland Avenue Malden, Massachusetts - Malden Ward 3The southbound traffic coming from Highland often does not recognize the right of way of the northbound vehicles coming around the circle to get onto Fellsway East. The southbound traffic already has a stop sign, but maybe they also need a "yield to traffic" sign. And maybe also some enforcement. During morning rush hour the other day, we saw two cars get into an accident here.
Sidewalk or Curb Repair Acknowledged533 Fellsway E Malden, Massachusetts - Malden Ward 3Sidewalk isn't passable due to tree.
Highland Ave malden, MA - Malden Ward 3Highland Ave close to Medford line just before Rita drive. Bobcat clearing snow from odd side of Highland ave to even side dumping in bus stop/sidewalks/and corners
Clifton St & Highland Ave Malden, MA, 02148, USA - Malden Ward 3
A pedestrian is going to get hit at this location. Signage is needed and road marking ASAP. Cars do not stop and cannot see crosswalk. See initial request below made 9 days ago and ignored by DPW. If we can afford $20,000 worth of unneeded signage in the ward councilors neighborhood then we can afford to make this crossing safe for people needing to get to park!
The crosswalk at this location has no signage and is virtually invisible to drivers with all the construction on the road. This crosswalk is at a park with many families with children needing to cross from Clifton to the park. In many instances car simply do not stop for pedestrians. With all the signage in recent years in ward three, in much less busy areas, this area at a park seems to have been overlooked by our city leaders. If the DPW could repaint the crosswalk ASAP that would at least help drivers identify it as a crosswalk while city leaders look at funding for needed signage.
Consistent Noise Complaints Archived27 Cedar Street Malden, Massachusetts, 02148 - Malden Ward 3This woman has disrupted our neighborhood for months during working hours. She stands in her front yard and screams at the top of her lungs for multiple hours a day starting at 9AM. Everyone who works from home in her area complain and have politely asked her to go inside or be quieter, and she refuses. We don’t know what to do. I have videos if needed.
Other Archived64 Lyle St Malden MA 02148, United States - Malden Ward 3Contractor is doing something with the asbestos siding.
Matheson's Gazebo Fellsmere Park ArchivedFellsway E Malden, Massachusetts - Malden Ward 3What is the latest for the Mysterious Gazebo. The Gazebo that Ward 3 Matheson decided to take 35,000 dollars out of a fund with no questions asked. No permit pulled either. Public opinion didn't have a voice. So Mr Matheson of ward 3 when will you be coming out to discuss this disturbing occurrence.
Snow on Streets Archived104-108 Woodland Rd Malden, Massachusetts - Malden Ward 3What the heck is going on with snow removal? Every single side street, and many main roads are still a mess. I've been in other local cities, and they've had major snow removal operations underway. What about Malden? Just on my short drive to drop my daughter off this morning, Highland Ave is blocked in many places because of cars parked where snow wasn't properly removed, and there was not a single side street that is functioning as a 2-way street. Both yesterday and today, plows drove down Woodland Rd, yet only added an in or two in width. The street is now 14 feet wide. Unacceptable. I've reported many issues on SeeClickFix, and they've never been addressed to the point that out city is safe for drivers or pedestrians. Why is a city truck out plowing 2 inches of slush on the side of the road when there are feet of snow on either side that need to be removed?