City of Malden - Ward 4
Notified About
258 Exchange Street Malden, Massachusetts - Malden Ward 4
The crossing from the Train Station to Exchange Street, and the subsequent first block on Exchange, is a dangerous mess that ought to be remedied immediately.
Please consider:
1. Prohibiting vehicular traffic on Exchange from Commercial Street to wherever both sides of the street have a sidewalk from, say, 8-9:30AM and 4-6:30PM M-F.
2.Prohibiting all vehicular standing and pick-up/drop-off at the corner of Exchange and Commercial until 2 sidewalks are available then.
3. Painting a crosswalk across Exchange Street at the western corner of Exchange and Jackson.
4. Placing a MPD vehicle and officer near the jersey barrier across from the T but facing toward Rt. 60 (i.e., parked against traffic) to monitor.
At evening rush hour, many drivers block the intersection while pedestrians briefly have the walk-light. Sometimes they even driving slowly right THROUGH the red light as pedestrians attempt to cross! MBTA buses are also offenders. Sometimes they encroach on pedestrians rather than just wait 15 seconds to get through the light and turn into the station busway. Cars double park on the southeast corner, blocking pedestrian access to the sidewalk and waiting to pick up passengers from the T.
Perhaps that's all old news, but with the construction and pedestrian crowding, the negative impact on walking near the T is much worse than before.
The one sidewalk on Exchange is often jammed because it has narrow stretches that get completely blocked by normal, unavoidable use, e.g., parent going slowly with a double stroller, person moving slowly due to mobility issue, people stopped briefly outside the daycare, people carrying parcels...whatever.
Meanwhile, you step off the sidewalk into the narrow driving corridor at your own risk. Some drivers, maybe upset that they had to navigate the crowds of pedestrians back at the corner, accelerate quickly, to dangerous speeds for such a narrow, packed space.
I notice that Exchange Street is fully blocked to traffic when the construction company needs better access. Residents should be afforded the same consideration and safety every day.
Other ArchivedEast Coast Greenway Malden, Massachusetts - Malden Ward 4
Sidewalk closure that affects pedestrian safety. There is nowhere that is safe to walk, and people are forced onto Route 60. There are no pedestrian lights that allow us to cross Rt. 60 safely from the east side to avoid the closure.
I have posted about this previously, 6 days ago, and despite strong interest from the community, as evidenced by votes and comments, no city or police official has responded yet. Please assign this to someone who can respond in a very timely way.
All that is needed is to cone off the area so that pedestrians have a safe place to walk. As lanes have been coned off all over the city for construction projects, this seems like a very small thing to ask.
Previous post: -
Public nuisance Archived480 Main Street Malden, MA, 02148, USA - Malden Ward 4Any time the weather is nice, this guy is out blasting his music at deafening volumes for the whole world to hear. Please do something about him. Does Malden Police not patrol the streets regularly or do they just sit at Bikeeny all day?
Animal - Pets or Wildlife Archived12 Spring Street Malden, MA, 02148, USA - Malden Ward 4There is a house on the right hand side of Spring St., white w/blue trim, that has a dog that they tie up on the sidewalk EVERY DAY. The poor dog barks at all hours day and night, because he is neglected/bored! Never see him get walked, the whole street hears this dog,& it’s been months. He broke free a few days ago & took off, then the people came out screaming and got him back, & were dragging him by the throat. The barking is annoying, but we feel bad for the DOG. He seems like he would be friendly when you walk by, he doesn’t actively bark AT you, he barks because he’s alone outside and barks at cars & especially other dogs who are actually being walked! This family seems horrible with him. I think everyone notices but no one says anything; I think it’s animal abuse . He is neglected. Not sure the actual house number, but all you have to do is drive down Spring St and you will probably hear/see him! It is like two houses before the apartment building on corner of Park & Spring. Another way to tell house is a bright yellow pickup truck, with NH plates, lives there. This dog should be taken and given to someone who would actually pet & walk him,& not leave him outside for hours.
19-99 Page St Malden, MA, 02148, USA - Malden Ward 4There have been up to four commercial vehicles over two tons parked on Page St on any given day. These vehicles start their engines leaving them idling as early as 6am and are often moving ladders and other large materials between vehicles between 6 and 7am. They do not observe street cleaning so our street has not been swept in over a month. I understand that commercial vehicles are allowed to park in residential areas but four at a time on one street when the owners do not live on that street and doing commercial work is causing a public disturbance.
Protest Pleasant Street, Malden ArchivedPleasant St Malden, MA, 02148, USA - Malden Ward 4When the governor prohibits more than 25 people gathering for any reason outside, why is it that our city is permitting a protest downtown? Why is it the rules don't apply to everyone for every thing? Just curious. Please don't tell me about them wearing masks, social distancing, being outside, etc. The rule is no more than 25 people together outside. Just curious
Dirt pile Archived104 Autumn Street Malden, MA, 02148, USA - Malden Ward 4I’m about an hour, this is gonna be a more serious problem. With the rain, this will turn to dirt and then it will be more difficult to move. Tenants come home from work within the hour and will need to access their space.
Constant crap music Archived26 Montrose St Malden, MA, 02148, USA - Malden Ward 4The mentally unstable kid at 26 Montrose St. Plays loud music all times of day and night. I can't even open my windows. My husband has asked him many times to lower the music, even gave him head phones. Nope, didn't work. I am not going to live all Summer with my windows closed and I don't feel it is safe to speak to this nutty kid or his family. Help please, or tell me what can be done. Thank you.
862 Main Street Malden, Massachusetts - Malden Ward 4With the increase in traffic from Main Street coming from Melrose, it has become increasingly difficult to make a left turn from Main Street onto Winter Street. A slight green light delay for the cars coming towards Malden could help alleviate some of the congestion, especially during rush hour periods when it is almost impossible to make the turn.
Traffic Signals and Paint/Markings Archived31 Commercial St Malden, MA 02148, USA - Malden Ward 4This signal has been flashing yellow for several days. That creates a danger for people trying to cross to and from buses and Subway as they cannot call for a walk signal.
High Frequency Noise Archived99 Florence Street Malden, MA, 02148, USA - Malden Ward 4I would like to report the same noise issue as a previous post at 99 Florence St to draw more attention to it. This loud and high frequency noise is giving me headache within one hour. After tracking old posts on this website, I am very surprised to know that this noise issue has been filed since 2020. It is apparently bothering people who live nearby, but nothing has been done for at least the past 2 years. Please address this issue. Thank you.
299 Exchange Street Malden, Massachusetts - Malden Ward 4
I proceeded to watch three separate cars run a red light and nearly clip a group of pedestrians attempting to cross the street at the Exchange/Commercial intersection during the morning commute.
Unfortunately, this is a common occurrence. While the construction project is disruptive for both drivers and pedestrians, many of us pedestrians are forced to jaywalk in order to traverse both crossings to reach Exchange St/Malden Center T Station within the allotted crossing signal time (~10 seconds). With drivers becoming irate and impatient waiting in traffic, and subsequently running the red light, pedestrian crossing time can nearly be halved, resulting in even more jaywalking.
Has there been any thought given to assigning a crossing guard during the AM/PM rush hour to provide some additional visibility to pedestrians crossing this busy intersection during the on-going construction?