ANC 5C01
Woodridge Neighborhood; ANC 5C01
Notified About
Traffic Signal Maintenance Archived2200 Newton Street Ne Washington D.C., DC - Catholic University-Brookland
The intersection of Newton and South Dakota Ave NE is dangerous. Newton Street traffic is guided by two stop signs, augmented by a confusing sign reading, “Westbound South Dakota Ave traffic does not stop.” Eastbound traffic on South Dakota is guided by a traffic light that alternates between flashing yellow and red. And Westbound traffic faces a light that is perpetually green.
The problems with this set up are numerous. First, drivers new to the area may not understand the warning below the stop sign; seeing the cross traffic light turn red, they pull into the intersection, only to be struck by westbound traffic. Second, vehicles turning south off of South Dakota wait for the light to turn red, not realizing that the west signal will never turn, and they are unable to see when the east-bound traffic is stopped by a red light, leaving the driver to guess when it is safe to turn. All of this confusion - added to the frequent speeding on South Dakota, means frequent accidents and daily near-misses.
Most of all, this is an easy fix - install a regular traffic light, where all lights rotate through red, yellow, and green - No ambiguous warning signs, no flashing lights.
Please fix this intersection before someone is seriously hurt.
STOP MOTORCYCLE RACING ArchivedMyrtle Ave Ne Washington DC, Washington DC - BrentwoodSTOP ILLEGAL STREET RACING DOWN MYRTLE AVE NE!!! This happens between Clinton and Central, all hours of the day and night, every day of the week.
Curb and Gutter Repair Archived2811 Otis St Ne Washington, DC 20018, USA - Catholic University-BrooklandThis block (2815 otis st ne) has never had concrete curbs. The sidewalk needs update. During rainy times we deal with constant mud and excess standing water. Cars usually carve the grass areas creating a complete chaos. Neighbors take initiative in putting gravel around the water pools. I think it is time that somebody visit the area and put a petition.
Thank you -
Curb and Gutter Repair Archived2252-2298 Otis Street Northeast Washington, DC 20018, USA - Catholic University-BrooklandLocated at the corner of Otis & 24th streets NE
Post to Neighbors ArchivedMyrtle Ave Ne Washington, District of Columbia - BrentwoodThe motorcyclists flying down the street at mach 50 puts everyone at risk. Why is there a DC police officer around the corner who does absolutely nothing ever about this menace?
South Dakota Ave Ne & Rhode Island Ave Ne Washington, District of Columbia - Catholic University-BrooklandThese posters are on Rhode Island Ave around S Dakota ave.
illegal posters on newton & 26th NE Archived2600 Newton St Ne Washington, District of Columbia - Catholic University-Brooklandmore of these posters are showing up every day!
Curb and Gutter Repair Archived2422 Otis Street Northeast Washington, DC 20018, USA - Catholic University-Brookland
311 Online Reported Issues Archived3722 22nd St Ne Washington, DC 20018, USA - Catholic University-BrooklandFire hydrant on SW corner of 22nd and Perry Streets NE has a slow leak.
Illegal Posters Archived2215 Perry St Ne Washington, DC 20018, USA - Catholic University-BrooklandThese "we pay up to $200 for junk" posters are riddled all over our ward. Is there something we can do about it? 240-395-3022