BV East Shore

Open Issues: 93 Closed Issues: 3,390 Acknowledged Issues: 63
Watching issues created after: 2013-04-29

Notified About

  • 140-180 Concord Street New Haven, Connecticut - East Shore

    Several young belligerents, one of which is masked, ride along Concord on their street illegal dirt bikes at high speeds. They do this several times a day, often times at night, and have shouted threats and obscenities at various people. Today, they rode on someone's property and revved their engines, gauging the grass.

    The cops have been called several times without response and this is disgusting. What is needed to get a police response in this city? Is a felony the only thing that warrants attention?

  • 200-298 Cove Place New Haven, Connecticut - East Shore
    hard to get to beach
  • 430 Lighthouse Road New Haven, Connecticut - East Shore
    There have been 2 car crashes in 3 weeks at the intersection of Lighthouse & Marion. All season, people race around this bend with screeching tires. Whether it's narrowing the road, installing an elevated pedestrian crosswalk, a traffic circle, or changing the road surface -- SOMETHING needs to be done. Note: No one was hurt in the accident shown in the photo.
  • Pardee Parkway Seawall New Haven CT 06512, United States - East Shore
    The guard rails are practically destroyed along the curve on Townsend Ave leaving visitors to Pardee Seawall park in very vulnerable situations What needs to happen to get these guard rails fixed to keep our neighbors safe?
  • Cove Place (Cove Street New Haven, CT 06511, USA - East Shore
    The business located here cleans the beach every week and dumps the trash on the public right-of-way. Why isn't that illegal dumping on city property? it's disrespectful to the community
  • 4 Dorchester Terrace New Haven, Connecticut - East Shore
    Trash is piled outside a house where no one is living. The lawn hasn't been mowed in over a year, and large rats have been seen here. Hundreds of children will be in this neighborhood on Halloween. This is not safe!
  • 325 Lighthouse Rd New Haven, CT 06512 - East Shore
    The Morris Pardee House is in bad shape and needs repairs.
    What is the NH Historical Society doing with the endowment money established for this great piece of New Haven History. They are not putting it into the property thats for sure
  • 115 Townsend Ave New Haven, CT 06512, USA - East Shore
    Motorcycles with loud exhausts speed all day and night. No law enforcement
  • Sidewalks Archived
    50 Beecher Pl New Haven, CT 06512, USA - East Shore

    Sidewalks Throughout Morris Cove Are Unsafe & Need Repair

    The sidewalks on Townsend Ave, Lighthouse Rd, and ALL side streets throughout Morris Cove are in grave need of repair. They are full of holes, heaves, cracks, and in some areas have been taken over by grass, trees, and shrubbery. They are not safe for children, elderly, and are impossible to navigate with a wheelchair or stroller. This is a neighborhood meant for walking and sightseeing.

  • 420 Lighthouse Rd New Haven, CT - East Shore

    This is a very dangerous curve located at the intersection of 420 Lighthouse Rd New Haven (Morris Cove), CT and Marion St. New Haven(Morris Cove), Ct.

    This is a main road to get to Lighthouse Point Park and people unfamiliar with the area as well as people from the area speed around the curve. Almost every time a car comes out of 420 Lighthouse rd it is almost hit by a car coming around the bend. There is a Blind driveway sign posted right before the curve but is ignored. There is a park where children play and have to cross this area of the road to get to the park. Children are in grave danger here. We do not want another child hit by a vehicle in the city! A stop sign where the blind driveway sign is posted would be much appreciated by all in this area for the safety of all.

  • Ley Street New Haven, CT - East Shore
    A basketball hoop has been set-up at the curb on Ley Street. Children and young adults are using the hoop to play basketball at all hours of the day and night. Vehicles often have to stop of move around youths in the street to avoid hitting them. There is the potential for a youth to be injured by a passing vehicle, parked cars risk being damaged, and the constant sound of a basketball being bounced over and over is rather annoying. Isn't there a law prohibiting the set-up of a basketball hoop at the curb?
  • Townsend Ave Between Pope And Girard Ave. New Haven CT - East Shore
    Very busy street. Cars do not stop for pedestrians. In need of pedestrian signs at crosswalk, or speed bumps.