Bergen County

Open Issues: 901 Closed Issues: 1,252 Acknowledged Issues: 65
Watching issues created after: 2013-06-13

Notified About

  • Old Tappan Rd & Orangeburg Rd Westwood, NJ, 07675, USA - Old Tappan
    There is presently a flashing red light and stop sign at the intersection. Due to the overgrowth of bushes on the properties on orangeburgh road, it is difficult to see oncoming traffic. There have been several accidents here over the past few years due to poor visibility. A proper traffic signal is desperately needed
  • 465 New Milford Ave Oradell, NJ 07649 - Oradell
    The entire stretch of New Milford Ave betw Kinderkamack & River Rd is a pothole obstacle course...really stinks!!
  • Stanley St E. Rutherford - East Rutherford
    Time to ask the UN for money to pave an East Rutherford street. Hard to believe Stanley st remains in such deplorable condition. The roller coaster paving, flooding and potholes are dangerous and limit access to the shopping center and residential housing. Why isn't some of that property tax money being used to fix and repave Stanley st?
  • 98 N Prospect Ave Bergenfield, NJ 07621, USA - Bergenfield
    Right turn on Red should be allowed, the same as it is on Newbridge Road & Prospect Ave. (The same Demographics at both locations). Traffic Backs up during off peak hours & disturbs the homeowners. Especially Trucks & Buses.
  • E Clinton Ave Bergenfield, NJ 07621 - Bergenfield
    Bergenfield: About 90% of E. Clinton Ave. between S. Washington Ave. and the Tenafly border is full of cracks, craters, potholes, and generally course asphalt.
  • 420 Racetrack Rd Ridgewood, NJ 07450, USA - Ridgewood

    Racetrack Road, Ridgewood side from Lynn to Banta. Several large potholes and getting worse. Noise from them on this busy street affects everyone, even makes windows shake.

    Curb in same area is almost non-existent, we have notified Village for YEARS but nothing has been done. On Ho Ho Kus side, they have much better curbs. Homes on Ridgewood side here are below street level and street has no storm drains, making water go into yards and houses because the curb is so low (very old and worn).

    Pothole situation is becoming much worse and since street is one of few that allow large trucks and has access to Rt 17, it's getting really bad.

    Pls help- several here have reported these things before but nothing has been done. Thx

    update: sorry we're at 396 not 420 but it affects everyone from Lynn St to Banta on Ridgewood side of Racetrack Rd. (Noise affects Ho Ho Kus side too)

  • 78-122 Stanley St East Rutherford, NJ 07073, USA - East Rutherford
    This is the 5th year in a row for these potholes. How long are we supposed to wait?
  • 415-431 New Milford Ave Oradell, NJ 07649, USA - New Milford
    Come on Mayor DiBari spend some of our tax dollars in a meaningfull way. Fix this road !
  • Prospect Ave by Columbia, Bergenfield, NJ 07621 - Bergenfield
    The bridge onProspect crossing over the brook just south of Columbia Ave is pocked mark, potholed, and cracked asphalt. Horiible to drive over.
  • University Plaza Dr Hackensack, NJ 07601, USA - Hackensack
    Disaster the holes just gets patched up and in a few days the holes are back. The road has cars, buses, delivery trucks school bus the road is heavely traveled. the taxes we pay the roads should be in much better shape.
  • Nordhoff Pl Englewood, NJ - Englewood
    There are so many deep potholes on the street that it's dangerous. The entire street needs to be re-paved.
  • 24 Paramus Rd Paramus, NJ 07652, USA - Paramus
    Paramus Rd overpass immediately before exit to Rt 208 - major potholes and craters