Open Issues: 2,074
Closed Issues: 475,980
Acknowledged Issues: 4,501
Watching issues created after: 2013-06-25
Give me a break man is a stupid moron
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Curbside Solid Waste Issue Archived8 Mile Road Detroit, MI 48220, United States of America - DetroitVarious vagrants have been gathering here and it has gotten worse in the last week. I now see up to 8 different characters here pan-handling, throwing trash all around, leaving food out and attracting mice, and making the entire area unwalkable. It smells like a garbage dump.
Curbside Solid Waste Issue ArchivedWoodward @ 8 Mile Rd Detroit, MI 48203, USA - US Congressional District MI14there is so much trash piled up here everywhere that it is coming out into the driving lanes. there are people living under this bridge why? This is a health hazard. there are needles out here and food everywhere. Rats are running what is going on out here?
Potholes Archived4141 Mitchell St Detroit, MI 48207, USA - US Congressional District MI13Large pothole surrounding catch basin
Curbside Solid Waste Issue Archived19988 Picadilly Rd Detroit, MI 48221, USA - US Congressional District MI14
8 Mile & Woodward
I’ve reported our growing sanitation problem at the 8 & Woodward overpass. I plan to continue to do so until we see some real action on this blight. I don’t want my children to see people shooting up and living in filth every time we leave our neighborhood. I don’t want to worry about them riding their bikes through the “encampment”. The city is responsible for taking care of this.
Culvert failure Archived9164-9248 W Parkway St Detroit, Michigan - US Congressional District MI14The Culvert carrying west parkway over the Ashcroft Sherwood drain is failing. The street is sinking and there is a large hole in the berm. Wayne county says the road belongs to the city of Detroit, hence its the city's problem.
Tree Issue Archived4001–4151 Mitchell St Detroit 48207, United States - US Congressional District MI13Tree is causing sidewalk to buckle dangerously. Many children and caregivers have tripped and fallen including my own child who hurt her knee. Please fix this sidewalk across from the school. Please make this a high priority item.
Wayne State University Detroit, Michigan - US Congressional District MI13There is a huge sinkhole partially covered by three loose metal plates on West Hancock in front of WSU Lot 56. There is also water in the hole, which is bubbling, and you can sometimes smell gas outside. Cars turning into the lot from Woodward drive over this hole and the unsecured plates, making it bigger by the day.
Street Light Pole Down Archived1676 Chicago Blvd Detroit 48206, United States - US Congressional District MI13Someone hit the light pole on our block overnight. This is the second one this month. Something needs to be done about people literally racing down Chicago
Illegal Dump Sites Archived3001-3099 Superior St Detroit, MI 48207, USA - US Congressional District MI13
Investigate Cave In (Sink Hole) Archived1410 M-3 Detroit, MI 48207, USA - US Congressional District MI13Running water is trapped in the middle of the block no reaching the drains. it creates a health hazard, smells terribly and overall is a public nuisance. A sewer drain needs to be installed in the section where street caves in at 1428 Service St
Illegal Dump Sites ArchivedWoodward Ave Detroit MI 48203, United States - US Congressional District MI14Food waste and packaging piles up high under overpass