GDOT (Georgia Dept. of Transportation)

Open Issues: 74 Closed Issues: 1,079 Acknowledged Issues: 32
Watching issues created after: 2013-09-06

Georgia Dept. of Transportation

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  • 2495 Jett Ferry Road Dunwoody, Georgia - Dunwoody

    I just witnessed a car with Florida license plates completely BLOW THROUGH the 4-way stop sign at Jett Ferry & Dunwoody Club Drive. He was on Dunwoody Club Drive headed west. I had just approached the intersection on Jett Ferry headed north. Had I gotten there 10-20 seconds earlier, it is quite possible the car would have hit me on the passenger side; with my wife sitting there.

    Are there any plans on improving the safety of this intersection? (We don’t need a traffic light. That will simply cause more traffic to be backed up during non-rush hour times.)

    We regularly have collisions at this intersection. My wife & I regularly walk across this intersection going to the shops. Even with the crosswalk painted white lines, it still does not feel safe & inviting for a person to be there & walk across the intersection on foot.

    Here are some suggestions:

    • Very quickly & cheaply, paint on the pavement well-in-advance of the intersection in all directions: “Stop Ahead”
    • Add “Stop Ahead” signs
    • Get a flashing red light installed – Just like there is at Dunwoody Club Drive & Ball Mill
    • Install a splitter island installed on Dunwoody Club drive on the east side of the intersection where there are pedestrians which cross
    • Rumble strips ahead of the intersection
    • Raised Pedestrian Crossings
    • Slowing the speed limit down from 35 to 25 mph:
    a) On Jet Ferry from Mt. Vernon to Dunwoody Club Drive. This is a pedestrian-intense segment with an unsafe number of curbcuts that would have never been approved today (ask Sandy Springs to continue it to several hundred feet prior to the intersection)
    b) On Dunwoody Club Drive starting from Mt Vernon (to the east) to several hundred feet west of the intersection
    • Install mid-block pedestrian crossing islands (act as traffic calming. “Inform” motor vehicle drivers there are persons on foot in this area.)
    a) Jett Ferry halfway between Mt. Vernon & Dunwoody Club
    b) Dunwoody Club halfway between Jett Ferry & Mt. Vernon

    FHWA Reference on Unsignalized Intersections:

  • 5300-5378 Zebulon Road Macon, Georgia - Macon-Bibb County
    After most folks in my neighborhood have reported near head-on collisions through our neighborhood Facebook page and after a terrible accident within the last week I finally decided enough is enough. When I get in the turn lane coming from Bass Road intersection going toward Forsyth Road on Zebulon Road to turn into my neighborhood of Castlegate there is almost always someone already riding down the turn lane coming head on to me wanting to turn in to Carlyle Place. These people are getting in the turn lane much too early (probably elderly visiting friends or relatives) and riding down the lane giving those of us in Castlegate absolutely no room or chance to get over in the turn lane safely to turn in to our neighborhood. We have to jump back in the lane we just came out of causing cars that thought we were getting in the turn lane to slam on breaks, screech or get over (hopefully) in the other lane as to avoid a head on collision. Please draw some simple lines and dotted lines and turn arrows to encourage people to stop getting in that turn lane so early and riding down it for much too long!
  • 3731 Buford Hwy Ne Atlanta, GA - Brookhaven

    Buford Hwy, from Northeast Plaza to the area past Plaza Fiesta, is in dire need of sidewalks. It is very difficult for disabled people, parents with baby strollers, teenagers or anyone to stay active in the pedestrian lifestyle when they have to go onto the streets just to get by all the bumps and gravel because there is a lack of sidewalks on both sides of Buford Hwy.

    Georgia DOT wants to start their $11.5 million upgrade beginning with the areas near the Latin American Association. The areas between Northeast Plaza and Plaza Fiesta area should be prioritized, not areas that are already "developed" such as the Lenox/Chesire Bridge to Northeast Plaza area.

    Here are links as this issue has already been brought up before in the past:

    Creative Loafing:

    Pilgrimage for Immigrants blog:

  • 1342-1350 N Morningside Dr Ne Atlanta, GA - Virginia-Highland

    Issue ID: 266092
    Viewed: 3 times
    Neighborhood: Atlanta Watershed Region
    Reported via:
    Reported: about 1 hour ago
    Tagged: traffic, signs, pothole.

    The new curbing on the southwest corner of N Morningside and North Highland Ave blocks what used to be a right turn lane. Traffic now backs up single file on N Morningside because vehicles can no longer turn right on red if there is any vehicle stopped at the light. The curb seems to serve no useful purpose except to trick drivers into thinking there is a right turn lane, then immediately "dead ending" into a solid curb where a right turn lane would normally be!

    Who designs these curbs, anyway? Rip it up, send the DOT roadway designers to "curb school" and try again.

    Not only is this a terrible design which restricts traffic flow for no good reason, but I believe it is only a matter of time before someone wrecks their car by driving right over this new senseless "dead-end" lane.

    (Reposted to this watch area for better reporting and tracking)

  • 3700 Berkley Dr Macon, GA 31204, USA - Macon
    I initially requested this through SCF and was told to contact the Dept of Transportation because Vineville is a state route. I was told by a supervisor at Ga DoT that they would ONLY respond to a request from the city/county. They said they would not even study the issue based only on my request. I am requesting that the City/County recommend to GaDot that the two 45 mph speed limit signs located on northbound Vineville Avenue at Belvedere and across from the block between Euclid and Rest Haven be changed to 35 mph. There is actually a 35mph sign at Lake Terrace on south bound Vineville, directly across from the 45 mph sign at Belvedere. Why would traffic one direction have a different speed limit than the other direction? Maybe it is just a mistake? Other reasons to reduce from 45 to 35 mph: 1) the rest of Vineville is either 35 mph or even 30 mph including just a 1/2 mile before these signs; 2) this is a residential area with homes with children and pets and numerous intersecting streets (just in this half mile block there is Riverdale, Berkley, Rest Haven, Euclid and Roycrest) and driveways (for homes and professional Offices ); 3) the interchangeable middle lane on Vineville is already a risk for accidents (especially people turning left from the right lane when the middle lane is going their direction) so having an increased speed limit on any portion of it is highly inadvisable, because cars need to be driving slowly enough to respond to cars not acting consistently with the traffic for that time of day; 4) it makes sense to have the speed limit increase to 45 after the intersection/traffic signal with Forest Hill and Park Street - when it becomes Forsyth Rd and is five lanes, but not within 1/2 mile of that intersection, when Vineville is still 3 lanes and cars should be preparing to stop at that intersection; 5) this is already a busy intersection and there is an ambulance dispatch center right next to the Flash Foods, so cars are often needing to yield to the ambulance entering the intersection, even when they have a green light. I would also like to request that the City/County ask the Ga DOT to put a 35 mph speed limit sign on south bound Vineville Avenue at the intersection with Rest Haven. The far right lane ends abruptly at this point and cars are often trying to merge back into traffic. Indeed, more than once cars have run into and knocked down the telephone pole at the end of Rest Haven (and large yellow and black hazard signs have been placed there to help people keep from doing this). The first 35 mph sign on Vineville does not appear until Lake Terrace. For all the reasons I stated above, I believe the speed limit on Vineville should be no more than 35 mph over this entire 1/2 mile stretch, in both directions and more prominently marked as such. I would like to request that Macon/Bibb Traffic Engineering ask GaDOT to make this change. Thank you.
  • 1007 Bond Street Macon, GA 31201, USA - Macon
    The Coleman Hill Slide is a fine example of public art, one the arts community created through the Knight Neighborhood Challenge by working closely with our city. While revitalizing my front yard and Coleman Hill, there has been an increase in signage blight at the slide. Is there anyway that the appropriate department can collaborate with the arts community to create clever signage? The signs spell out danger and the spray paint looks like graffiti. I would love to help lead this project and connect the dots to reduce the blight at the popular public space.
  • 893 Riverside Drive Macon, Georgia - Macon
    The lane heading North bound on Riverside crossing over Spring Street. Two lanes shift and cars in the right lane often shift over into left lane when crossing regardless of whether a car is in the left lane. There needs to be a dotted line separating the two north lanes leading into the shifted lanes across Spring street.
  • 130 Canton St Alpharetta, GA, 30009, USA - Alpharetta
    Speed limit sign and monitor blocked by tree. Monitor has been up for over 6 months and the speeding continues on both the north and south bound lanes on Canton. In a previous reported speeding concern on 1/4/24 in this area, your office mentioned that you would review data and evaluate in addition to requesting increase patrol in area.(see below). To date, we have not see any update on data or any type of patrol or enforcement of the area. Please update when you have an opportunity. Thanks.
    "We’ll collect speed data in a few months to evaluate if the 85th percentile speed is reduced so we can submit a request to GDOT to approve speed limit reduction.
    Also, we forwarded this to Public Safety and requested an increase in patrol for this area”
  • 1362 Scott Blvd Decatur, GA, 30030, USA - North Decatur
    This pothole is growing by the day. When large vehicles roll through it, the windows and pictures on the walls in our house shake and move. I have reported this to GADOT twice to no avail. This is an unsafe situation on a major traffic route that requires attention immediately.
  • 1515–1523 Old Alabama Rd Roswell 30076, United States - Roswell
    Any chance DOT can put a straight arrow in the lane I have highlighted? People are constantly trying to turn left into HBR westbound from the straight lane impeding those trying to actually go straight.
  • Litter Archived
    1201-1499 Lakeland Ave Valdosta, GA, 31602, USA - Valdosta District 2

    After extensive investigation it has been determined that this shopping center owned by Budd Jr & III LLC is an abomination! This shopping center and surrounding area has been reported nearly 40 times on click fix over the years by local residents who just want a clean neighborhood!

    Investigation on massive litter that was entering the Withlacoochee River for over 12 years! Has led to the upstream identification of hot spots. Those hot spots have led up stream to Sugar Creek then up stream of One Mile branch that eventually led up to this shopping center and surrounding area as a major contributor to trash being dumped into the Withlacoochee River. The numerous archived reports show the exact levels and type of trash along with reported locations of “trash in the ditch” provide a valuable treasure trove of historical documentation on to how this shopping center and surrounding area has been contributing to polluting the rivers!

    The drainage ditches in this area and especially this shopping center dump directly into the “headwater” of One-Mile Branch. This shopping center has dumpsters that are located directly on top of this drainage ditch. The parking lots of this shopping center that mates with the ditch suffers from severe erosion, which is further proof that Stormwater runoff is heavy in this area and has been taking the overflow of trash directly into One-Mile Branch! These dumpsters should at a minimum be moved away from this drainage ditch!

    The accumulation of this litter can be seen on any given day over the years, including right now just steps from the Valdosta Fire Station #2. The area looks like a large ditch but is actually the headwaters of the very One-Mile branch that winds through Drexel Park and along VSU and into Sugar Creek before dumping into the Withlacoochee River and taking the trash from this neighborhood and surrounding area with it! The 1st major clog of all this trash is in One-Mile Branch. Then when enough Stormwater accumulates from a good rain event, the 2nd major clog is the City’s Stormwater retention pond and the “walled” canal area by the old Michael’s Deli at North Ashley Street. As it rains and Stormwater accumulates, the trash is pushed on to a 3rd clog at Sugar Creek from One-Mile Branch and then of course with more Stormwater Runoff, it’s pushed on into the Withlacoochee River! This cycle has been repeated daily for decades with now action from City Departments on this issue.

    This shopping center and surrounding area is in dire need of education and outreach on what happens to this trash in their ditches l. Also so does the City Marshalls! There have been at least 2 reports of massive litter in this area that were reported in February of 2022 that took the City Marshalls a whole month to actually go look at the report. Once in finally in the area a month later, the City Marshalls closed the 2 reports saying there is no violation. This is because during the time it took the Marshalls to actually go see, Stormwater Runoff had already pushed the litter down the drainage ditches and into One-Mille Branch.

    Looking at the 40 or so archived click fixes, it is visible that the City Marshalls have come to this shopping center and surrounding area numerous times and has discussed, issued citations, and were able to get some areas cleaned up.

    This area is in dire need of outreach and education and perhaps something more localized for the residents to dispose of trash properly. “We cannot solve our problems by continuing to use the same thinking as when we created them” remember Einstein?

    I am asking the City to connect the dots in this issue in this area and specifically this shopping center. Connect the dots that have finally been laid out after decades of trash flowing into the former Sugar Creek logjam to the years of local residents here reporting and fighting for a cleaner neighborhood. These issues until now were independent and separated. But after further investigation and following the trail upstream they have finally been connected!

    To the residents that have been struggling in this neighborhood for years to get it cleaned up, you never knew this but a few miles away this trash that you’ve been cleaning up on your own and reporting for years has actually been making its way directly into the river. It goes in to One-Mile Branch, then Sugar Creek, then the Withlacoochee River, then rhe Suwannee River, then the Gulf of Mexico….and it started its journey at the Stormwater runoff drainage ditches at Lakeland Ave and E Park Avenue area and this shopping center! Thank you for your efforts and please keep it up.

    City Marshalls, I can see from the archived reports that you are probably exhausted from coming to this area repeatedly for the same issues! Your counterparts in other City departments can and should help you out, by using a different approach on Public Works, Stormwater Management, Community Engagement, even VLPRA which is right in the middle of all of this!

    Oh and property owner Budd Jr & III LLC, do better! Your property is in shambles with crumbling infrastructure. But based on other properties owned by “Budd Jr & III LLC” and related surrounding property owner “Budd Commercial Real Estate” it’s clear you have no moral compass but in this case maybe actually contribute to the betterment of your community?

  • Sign - Repair Archived
    Exit 5 Interstate 516 Savannah, Georgia - Savannah
    On I-516 north/west bound, exit 5 to I-16 has no working lights at 6:30am when it is dark. Also exits 165 & 166 on I-16 east bound are also dark. This has been the case for several weeks (if not longer). GA DOT says it's Chatham County's responsibility