Holyoke's Pulaski Park neighborhood
Pulaski Park and surrounding areas. Area is similar to northern portion of Ward 1B and includes: Mater Dolorosa, Pizza D'Action, The Wherehouse, 202 Rotary, Open Square, Echo Hill Townhouses, Robert E. Barrett Fishway, St. Patty's Day Road Race Starting Line, and two bridges over the 1st and 2nd level of the Canal.
Notified About
Disturbing Noise Archived18 N. Canal St. Holyoke, MA - HolyokeHelp!
American Environmental is a bad match for a residential neighborhood. Over the past year (off and on) I've called them, emailed, called the police, and contacted my Ward representative. Nothing has changed. American Environmental was at it again with incredibly loud banging noise that jarred me from sleep at 5:30 this morning. I'm not a light sleeper. Their noise is unacceptably loud!!! Now, at 6:45 they are smashing window pains in the back of a cavernous semi truck. This is typical of the sounds that come from their lot which abuts a residential neighborhood. We have the right to quiet enjoyment of our homes. -
Trash and Recycling Issues Archived39-51 St Kolbe Dr Holyoke, Massachusetts - HolyokeHolyoke mini dump. Here is the west end of Polasky Park that has had these 2 mattresses for 2 YEARS! I walk by this a few times a week. What kills me is how HGE workers pass by it everyday with trucks. So does anyone really care? How does the quality of life improve when people don't give it their all?
Code Violation Signage Archived10 Open Square Way Holyoke, Massachusetts - Holyoke
This sign is clearly above the allowed sqft for political signage as defined by Holyoke Code of Ordinances:
Code: 6.4.4 Previously constructed, nonconforming signs. Any new signs, as of the date of first publication of this revision on May 13, 2008, must comply with this section.
Part 6. Political signs. Said signs shall not exceed six square feet and may be erected or posted in residential districts provided they are not within the public way.
Please address. Thank you.
(413) 532-5057 -
Truck-Eating Bridge Archived1-15 Race Street Holyoke, MA 01040, USA - HolyokeWhile its entertaining for the tenants of Open Square to routinely see trucks impaling themselves on this overpass, it seems like a good idea to put more warning signs on the bridge, perhaps flashing yellow lights. The only warning is the lonely 11'6" sign and truckers don't even see that coming around the curve where the building screens the driver from even seeing there's a bridge ahead.
Animal Control Archived175-195 Lyman Street Holyoke, MA 01040, USA - HolyokeThere's been a dead pigeon on this window sill for many months now...
Pulaski park benches Archived35-37 St Kolbe Dr Holyoke, Massachusetts - HolyokeA lot of the benches were broken. Someone has taken the broken wooden panels will someone be replacing them? They could also use a paint job and the memorial booci court is in bad shape
Streets and Sidewalks Archived2-42 St Kolbe Dr Holyoke, MA 01040, USA - HolyokePolaski Park?? Oh no, not our beautiful park there are surgical gloves garbage and other disgusting things lining the road that goes by the American Legion towards the river. I am going to pick it up today but this seems to be in on going issue are kids here also dogs getting into this stuff and God knows what illnesses it could cause needles condoms other gross things.
Building Issues Archived163-219 Maple St Holyoke, Massachusetts - HolyokeWhat a h e double hockey sticks hole! Holyokes own Gitmo.. So where are all these variances for this kind of fencing filed? And why does everyone in government think these guys are untouchable? Places with high standards of living don't treat children this way, even insurance companies know male brains aren't fully developed until 25. Ohh I'm sure the white kids pass right by this place.
Streets and Sidewalks Archived101-111 Saint Kolbe Drive Holyoke, MA 01040, USA - HolyokeFor several thousand yards along the railroad right-of-way, trees are being chopped down, even larger ones with up to 2-foot diameter trunks. What is up with that?
Other ArchivedPulaski Park Holyoke, Massachusetts - HolyokeThere are deep tire ruts all through the park area around the swings. Children are tripping and falling when they try to play. There are also ruts on the lower part behind the American Legion. Could this be fixed before a child is seriously hurt? Thank you.
Trash and Recycling Issues Archived151-173 Lyman St Holyoke, MA 01040, USA - HolyokeLyman st before the light to turn to maple. That area and the only time that is clean is in March for Patrick parade. Down town is looking dirty. DPW. Need to work harder the city looks dirty again.