OFF Pioneer School

Mga Bukas na Isyu: 0 Mga Saradong Isyu: 147 Mga Na-acknowledge na Isy: 1
Minamanmanan ang mga isyu na ginawa pagkatapos: 2014-02-10

Napagbigyang-alam Tungkol

  • 5042 Venuto Way - North Highlands
    We have phoned the realtor and complained that the property is unkept and the residents have trash and unregistered vehicles that are also piled high with unstable debris on them. The realtor says the owner refuses to pay for the clean up of the property. Please enforce any necessary matters as this is causing a decline in the neighborhood.
  • 5137 Cherokee Way Sacramento, CA 95841, USA - Foothill Farms
  • 5137 Cherokee Way Sacramento, CA 95841, USA - Foothill Farms
    Both vehicles have missing wheels and have leaked oil all over the driveway.
  • Car parking Archived
    5214-5306 Walnut Avenue Sacramento, CA 95841, USA - North Highlands
    Parked on Walnut, between Pep Boys and the electrical contracting company.
  • 5228 Atlanta Way Sacramento, California - Foothill Farms
    Car under cover is being worked on, Scion I believe, square boxy thing. All day long, continual pounding and the welding.... Cars speed out of this house, which is probably why he is fixing this car.
  • 5308 Fernwood Way Sacramento, CA 95841, USA - Foothill Farms
  • Foothill Farms CA, USA - Foothill Farms
    There are 4 pickup trucks, 2 which haven't moved in weeks out on the street and a truck and trailer on the opposite side of the street, effectively making Atlanta Way a one lane street. This appear to be business trucks with "Durante Construction" on the side of the trailer. Don't these trucks need to move and not just take up space on the street, although they are also parked on the grass of the house. There is vegetation growing under the trucks on the street, they have been there so long. Please enforce the rules!
    Thank you.
  • 5143 Madison Ave Sacramento, California - North Highlands
    Homeless camp, garbage everywhere in back lot.
  • 5240 Calistoga Way Sacramento, California - Foothill Farms
    This house has mutiples families living in one house. They are operating a chop shop. Always parking salvaged cars at times 1-2 are parked on the lawn.
  • Other Archived
    5244 College Oak Dr Sacramento, California - North Highlands
    Abandoned shopping cart loaded with homeless belongs
  • Pothole Archived
    5425 Fernwood Way Sacramento, CA 95841, USA - Foothill Farms
  • Other Archived
    5801-5805 Shenandoah Drive Sacramento, CA 95841, USA - Foothill Farms
    Loud barking dog.