Open Issues: 189
Closed Issues: 8,701
Acknowledged Issues: 270
Watching issues created after: 2014-03-25
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Playground an absolute mess Archived1010 Enfield St Enfield, CT - polytestI took my daycare children to play up at Alcorn park today and it was disgusting! There is trash everywhere, someone vomited on the playground structure, the new black mat thing is being torn to shreds.... It is such a shame! We have been going to the playground fairly regularly (once a week) and have been watching it slowly decline. We were there on Saturday, and it wasn't this bad. It is pretty bad when kids don't want to play and ask to go back home.
Unregistered vehicle Archived2 Martin Terrace Enfield, CT - polytestFor over 2 years this jeep has been rotting into the front lawn. Starting to pile garbage around jeep now too. No plates, not drivable, decreasing property value.
Dangerous playground ArchivedEnfield Town Library Enfield, CT - polytesti can't believe the town planners ok'd a childrens playground almost in the middle of a parking lot without a fence around it! If a child runs out in the parking lot they are DEAD. Have you ever seen or heard of senior citizens putting their car in what they think is reverse on to have put it in drive? Where will they end up? In the middle of the children, because of course there are handicap spaces right at the entrance of the playground. I will not bring my grandchildren and I am not alone in my thinking. It is a shame because it is a beautiful playground but done with no thought for safety.
ATVs again! Archived101-451 Ashmead Cmns Enfield, CT - polytestHad to call the police 2X on Sunday to report 8 ATVs on the CL&P right of way owned by Ashmead Commons. It was around 12:30 or 1 PM.
Road Repairs ArchivedCrescent Lake (All Of It) Enfield, Connecticut - polytestThe roads in all of Crescent Lake need to be reconstructed. They are very dangerous!
Cars for sale Archived1243 Enfield St Enfield, CT - polytestThis house continually has cars for sale in their yard. When one is sold, a few days later another one appears. Is this against any rules in either the historic district or the zoning laws for this residential area?
Unsafe and unmaintained playground ArchivedThompsonville Enfield, Connecticut - polytestNeglected playground.
Dangerous at night Archived11 Southwood Rd Enfield, CT - polytestThere should be a light on this pole on southwood. It is right before the intersection and at night it is really dark and hard to see
Garbage piled around dead vehicle Archived2 Martin Terrace Enfield, CT - polytestThere are mattresses, garbage, and now an old refrigerator piled in the front yard around a Jeep with no plates that has been dead and sinking about 6 inches into the ground for three years!
traffic light ArchivedStreet Light At Top Of Exit Ramp Hazzard And Rt 5. Enfield, CT - polytestThe light there changes to fast, making traffic speed through light causing potential accidents,unsafe light needs to stay green longer on that side...thank u hope u can help
Missing Sidewalk @ Sr. Ctr. Archived299 Elm St. Enfield, CT - polytestThere is no safe pedestrian access to the nice Senior Center @ 299 Elm St., only a vehicular driveway. Request new sidewalk with curb-cut to meet ADA requirements at existing painted crosswalk.