City of Upper Arlington

Open Issues: 6 Closed Issues: 3 Acknowledged Issues: 0
Watching issues created after: 2014-10-29

The City of Upper Arlington

Notified About

  • Farleigh At Tremont Upper Arlington - Upper Arlington
    At this three-way intersection, where Farleigh dead-ends into Tremont, the traffic signal on Farleigh stays green for (to my personal knowledge) four minutes, perhaps longer. Doesn't happen on a consistent or predictable basis; doesn't seem to matter whether there's little or lots of traffic on Tremont. During school hours, when there's no left turn on red, the driver can either back up a block to Redding or go left by turning right, pulling into the Chef-o-nette parking lot, and making a left where there's no light onto Tremont. These are not legal alternatives, of course, just the only alternatives.
  • 1760 Zollinger Rd Upper Arlington, OH - Upper Arlington

    Why is UA the only Columbus burb without a Community Center? This is not just bad for our community but a near embarrassment. Hilliard has its beautiful YMCA, Dublin, Worthington, Westerville all have wonderful community centers. We've got a water park and Tennis club we can use 5 months out of the year!

    There is certainly space to build a Center at Kingsdale, Northam Park, Northwest Park, Thompson Park, Facnyburg Park, the old CompuServe Property on Henderson.

    Just think of the extra foot traffic that business owners and developers would experience if Macy's were transformed into a community center?

    Space is really not the issue, some say too many residents belong to country clubs and recreation clubs in our community so they don't want to be taxed for a community center. But I cannot think of anything more that we lack and that would add value to our community as well as to our property values.

    Bring some of those health club\tennis club\swimming club dollars back to the community.

    It benefits everyone young and old alike. Wake up Arlington, the other burbs are emberrassing us!

  • Pot-holes Archived
    1945 Lane Rd Upper Arlington, OH 43221, USA - Upper Arlington
    Entrance to Lane Road Library, off Lane Road; and the whole parking lot of the library and the adjacent Thompson Park, off Lane Road, has several pot-holes. It's been that way for months.
  • 1861 Zollinger Rd Columbus, OH, 43221, USA - Upper Arlington
    The street light in front of our house is not working. It is the street light at the corner of Zollinger Road & Oldham Road.
  • Medhurst Rd Columbus, OH 43220, USA - Columbus
    Constant natural gas smell/fumes throughout neighborhood, cannot pinpoint from what source it is coming - gas company has come out once and not found anything
  • 3576 Riverside Dr Columbus, OH 43221, USA - Upper Arlington
    Water is leaking up through the pvement
  • 4676 Riverside Drive Columbus, Ohio - Upper Arlington
    Large pothole in the middle of the road before the stoplight at Lane Road
  • Pothole Open
    3401-3431 Riverside Dr Columbus, OH, 43221, USA - Upper Arlington
    Multiple large potholes traveling SB on riverside driver
  • 3576 Riverside Dr Columbus, OH 43221, USA - Upper Arlington
    Water is leaking up through the pvement