Whitney-Orange Community Watch Area

Open Issues: 96 Closed Issues: 4,189 Acknowledged Issues: 70
Watching issues created after: 2008-09-28

Living Space

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  • Brown Water Archived
    Edwards St. New Haven, CT 06511, USA - Bishop-Hine
    Water running from taps and faucets is brown. Problem apparently shared by others in East Rock .
  • 219 267 Edwards St New Haven, CT 06511, USA - Bishop-Hine

    let me start off by saying i am in no way opening this issue to debate whether abortion should be legal or not, so please do not use this space to preach one way or the other.

    although i personally find the protesters at planned parenthood (and now often by the peabody museum) very offensive, i am reporting this issue on the basis of what is legally their right and what is not.

    when i protested the start of the iraq war, the group i was with was told by an officer that we are allowed to hold a sign. but that since we do not own the property we were standing on, we could not affix signs to posts, or lean them on trees, or lay them on the ground, etc.

    this is what the protesters are doing on edwards street and sometimes whitney. they spread at least ten posters on property that they do not own.

    i'd like some clarification on what their rights are, and if we can ask them to tone down their presence if they are not legally allowed to take over the block.

  • Kids vs. Cars Archived
    148-160 Cold Spring Street New Haven, Connecticut - East Rock

    The intersection at Everit & Cold Spring Streets is a dangerous one. The cars rarely stop for the stop sign- braking only when oncoming traffic decides to go. This pattern makes it an outrageously dangerous situation for our kids walking to school. In addition, the one safety precaution in place-- the crossing guard posted at that spot-- is frequently late and generally leaves even before school starts, so the kids who are running late (and not necessarily paying attention to traffic) are left to fend for themselves. Today, the crossing guard did not show up at all. The question is not IF a child will be hit by a car, but WHEN if this continues.

    The issue has three parts: 1. What times are the crossing guards SUPPOSED to be present at their stations? 2. How do we ensure the crossing guard is there during the designated times? 3. What can the police do to make it a reasonably safe place for pedestrians to cross? Please help now.

  • 242 Canner St New Haven, CT 06511 - East Rock
    Everywhere in New Haven, drivers treat red lights only as suggestions and speed straight through them, especially if the light has just changed. I see this happen every day, but I've never seen anyone get pulled over for it. It's especially bad at Canner and Whitney. The NHPD and YPD need to crack down before someone gets killed.
  • Potholes Archived
    100 Cold Spring Street New Haven, Connecticut - East Rock
    Large pothole on the street in front of the driveway at 100 Cold Spring Street. Continues to grow/get worse in width and depth.
  • East Rock Park -- Playground New Haven, CT - East Rock
    The playground at East Rock Park (College Woods) is heavily used but for as long as I can remember, the latches at the two gates have never worked. This ain't good, folks. It's a safety issue for the kids who play there and a peace of mind issue for the parents of the kids.
  • Whitney Ave New Haven, CT 06511, USA - East Rock
    Does NHPD actually enforce noise ordinances against loud car stereos or excessive motorcycle noise?
  • Intersection Of Cold Spring And Livingston Streets New Haven, Connecticut - East Rock
    There have been countless accidents at this intersection (and near accidents). We desperately need speed humps, a stop light, or other traffic calming measures to make this a safer intersection for all the children walking to schools and parks.
  • 188 Canner Street New Haven, CT 06511, USA - East Rock
    The scaffolding has been there for over 10 years and now is endangering The community. Pieces of rusted scaffolding have been found on the sidewalk and the school playground. Do we have to wait for somebody get killed until LCI seriously stop this insanity.
  • Livingston & Canner New Haven, CT 06511, USA - East Rock
    Happens every street cleaning day: tow trucks driving 50 miles an hour and blowing through all the stop signs - with a cop car leading the way!
  • Edwards St At Whitney St New Haven, CT - East Rock

    Protestors at Planned Parenthood today have a huge German Shepherd dog with them. I saw them approach a car that was turning into a parking lot with the dog. I am harassed every time I walk down Edwards St., and now I am not only harassed but afraid to walk down that side of the street because they have a big dog with them. I wouldn't be surprised if the people that work there are afraid to go to work, with their personal property being approached by the protestors and their dog.

    I don't wish to debate their right to protest or the abortion issue. However, I think their tactics cross the line between protesting and harassment.

  • Edgerton Park New Haven, CT - Prospect Hill
    Tonight we found a sweet, shivering dog in Edgerton Park, and reported it to the police, who took the information so they could get in touch if the owner called them. The person who took the dog home posted on Facebook, and within a few hours the owner was found, and the dog went home. A happy ending with a caveat ... the owner had reported the lost dog to the animal shelter, but the shelter does not send a list of missing dogs to the police when it closes for the day. Could that become part of the shelter's procedure? It would cost the amount of an email, and perhaps seconds of work.