Westsiders Neighborhood Association
Open Issues: 21
Closed Issues: 18
Acknowledged Issues: 0
Watching issues created after: 2010-01-11
Meriden Westsiders Neighborhood Association
Notified About
extreme violence Open27 Randolph Ave Meriden, CT 06451, USA - MeridenGunfire at a Randolph Ave. home twice in one week. Street brawl between 2 gangs with men and women participants. A lot of activity!
Bradley Ave Meriden, CT - MeridenWe had from West Main St. to Winthrop Ter. paved last year. Now we need the rest of it paved all the way up to Hanover. The cracks, ruts, and potholes keep getting bigger, wider, & deeper. When will we see this road finally finished????
150-340 Bradley Ave Meriden, CT 06451, USA - MeridenFor the several block area both ways you can't drive down it without hitting chuncks of road missing. Large chunks missing in road you can't drive around them and it's ruining my car!! Next repair bill on the city.
Large tree falling Archived75 Winthrop Terrace Meriden, CT - MeridenA large tree has been leaning and has it's root ball now exposed. Fear of it continue to fall towards neighbor and my property and cause damage to cars and house.
1-150 Winthrop Terrace Meriden, CT 06451, USA - MeridenFor more years than I can count, Winthrop Terr, between Bradley Ave and Hanover St, has been deteriorating. Potholes are HUGE now and still getting worse. They can no longer be patched; the road needs to be completely redone. This is a major connector with heavy traffic and should be repaired before someone gets hurt and sues the city.
23 Lambert Ave Meriden, CT 06451, USA - MeridenChurch goers are parking on our lawns and blocking our driveways! The fenced in a nice area for them to use to play, they should have made it a parking lot for the church. STOP PARKING IN FRONT OF OUR DRIVEWAYS AND ON OUR LAWNS.
92-150 Winthrop Terrace Meriden, CT 06451, USA - MeridenThe city needs to repave this road. I believe it to be one of the roads in the worst condition in the city. New curbs should equal new road too. It is damaging peoples' vehicles.
76 First North Street Meriden, Connecticut - MeridenReported from my mobile device
http://m.seeclickfix.com -
Pot holes on Bradley Avenue ArchivedBradley Ave Meriden, CT 06451, USA - MeridenThis is one of the nicest areas in Meriden. What a shame that it feels like your off roading while driving down it.
whole area ArchivedWinthrop Terrace meriden, CT - Meridenfrom bradley to columbus ave need to be dug up and repaved
bad patch job of street repair ArchivedBradley Ave. At Monroe St. Meriden, CT - MeridenA contracter or the city dug up part of Bradley Ave at Monroe St. The patch job of the hole left much of the patch above grade and a portion sunken below grade. If a private company did this I hope the City did not release their bond on this yet. This section of Bradley Ave was reconstructed recently. It would be a shame if this went uncorrected.